March 16, 2009

153rd - Can't ever Unknow

Anyone remember the blog I wrote about Belly Button Lint? Well, I stumbled upon this interesting and disturbing article about it. Here's the link. To summarize, it's a phenomenon that effects primarily adult males. This is because the hair around our navels have a scaly structure [much like barbed wire] and that pulls in dust and fibers and what-have-you into the navel. Then he goes onto the say, people with belly button lint have cleaner navels because its all clumped together, all your have to do is pick it out. To avoid belly button lint, shave your belly. Conclusion, male belly buttons are like Sarlaac pits. I don't know why I felt the need to summarize, the article wasn't all that long.

Today is Scooter's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCOOTER! I woke her up at 8am. I felt a little bad about it. Then that Lustra song came on and I didn't feel bad anymore. You all know it. SING IT! Here are the lyrics.

Scotty doesn't know,
That Fionna and me,
Do it in my van every Sunday.

She tells him shes in church,
But she doesn't go,
Still shes on her knees, and...

Scotty doens't know, oh.
Scotty doesn't know-oh.
So don't tell Scotty!
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know.

Fionna says shes out shopping,
But shes under me and I'm not stopping.

It just gets more and more inapproriate from there. Still, fun song. I know at lease one person is singing it right now.

My birthday is coming up and I'm starting to feel apprehensive about it. Why is that? Because I'm sodding old, that's why. Since I'm getting all elderly and senile, I've been wondering about stuff I should have already done or at least attempted to do. The list went on longer than I care to admit. I need to get on that. One of the things that's on that list was reading. I own several books I have not yet read. Then it occurred to me, I haven't read a book is a damned long time. Then I discovered the cause. Friggin iPhone. I'm constantly twiddling with the damned thing. So, times when I would normally be reading a few pages in whatever book I'm reading are now spent playign Risk on my phone or watching television or whatever. I went to the book store and picked up Fool by Christopher Moore and Shock Docterine by Naomi Klein. Bit of a gap between those two books but that's how I like it. Epic extremes with sanity eatings gaps in the middle.

Seguay path. Reading -> Books -> Bookmarks -> Caboose. . . Ok, so you're not all coming with me on this one. Let me take a step back. Caboose, a friend of mine is a Copy Writer. She's doing this ad canpaign for some bookstore which I think is pretty clever. It's a magazine ad and it's a page with a cheap little rectangular cut-out and it's tagged, "When you love reading, you'll use anything as a bookmark." Or something like that. Which I thought was great becaues it's very true. I read, well used to read a hell lot and even though I have a rough collection of bookmarks [ranging from ones from Chapters to nice metal crescent moon ones], I have used business cards, receipts, money, paperclips [which work great], and safety pins as bookmarks. To summarize, I think it's a clever ad idea.

I'm still up in the air about what I'm doing for my birthday. Ideas?




Unknown said...

bday ideas:
1) star wars themed get-together and we watch a movie or two or six

2) belly button lint party

3) the zoo!

4) driving range open yet? mini put? laser tag?

5) pottery classes

6) bowling or lawn bowling.. ye ye

Anonymous said...

How does lawn bowling work?

star war theme party sounds pretty cool. (for zaff)

Anonymous said...

aw you think I'm clever!

ok you STILL want ideas for your birthday? we've all thrown like 10 good ideas at you, what more do you want? just pick!

Mr. Horse said...

Screw you and your bday plans! That's right. I said it.