May 26, 2009

161st - "Muggle" is in the Dictionary?

photo [above] - Biggs sleeping. Not just inserted for random cuteness. It ties in with my story below. Sorta.

This happened a week or so ago and then later on struck me as odd. So, we came back from our trip to Philly on Wednesday night. As I'm getting ready for the night, I think to myself, "It's good to finally sleep in my own room again." Then I proceeded to go to sleep on the floor, which is exactly what I'd been doing for the past week in Philly anyway. Carpeted floors are pretty much the same everywhere.

Photo [left] - Ghaz was in Detroit a few days ago and was mugged at gun point. He's alright. The other reason for posting this is that I said I would post photos taken on my phone. So here's two so far.

I now have five friends who have been mugged/robbed/assaulted at gun point. Is that a higher number than usual? I mean, Ghaz's mugging shouldn't really count. He was in Detroit. What did he expect. Yeah, you heard me. People in Detroit are thieves.

Ghaz is coming to Toronto in a week. I think a week. I could be wrong.

So I said a few weeks ago that I would try to take one photo a day with my phone. That didn't work out as well as I hoped. I have taken about 10 photos since then. That makes me about thirty short. Seriously, the camera on the iPhone is terrible. Horrible, even. How can such an expensive phone not afford a decent crap camera. Jebus. Anyway, I decided to post some of the photos anyway. One of them actually turned out pretty cool. If there is plenty of light and nothing is moving at all, the iPhone can take some decent photos.

photo [below] - This is the only good picture I've managed to take with my phone. Nothing at all was moving. Sadly, its not that good.

photo [below] - I was being lazy at home. This is all I could find. First day of photo-a-day vow.

photo [below] - I'm not sure if some troubled and misguided kids did this or some older kids with way way too much time on their hands did this.

I had a few weeks ago decided that I pretty much hate photographing nature. I like photographing people and buildings and what not. But flowers and trees bore the life out of me. Then on friday, I said this to my cousin who is very into photography and gardening and he didn't say anything. Then on Saturday, that very same cousin who is into photography and gardening says this regarding his hobbies. Paraphrased. Flowers and plants without having a voice to communicate say so much and convey so much happiness. It's something to be marveled at. It was said a lot more elegantly than that and there was more of it but you get the gist of it. Anyone who did hear it and remembers the rest of it, let me know. That led me to decide to try it again. With that thought in mind. So, I'm going to make a few more park visits before I write it off as the dullest thing to photograph ever. So, I'm going to the park today.

On a more serious note. In what experts are describing as, "pretty damn stupid", I've lost my pain killers. I have a head ache.

photo [below] - And to end off, more of Biggs.


May 21, 2009

160th - Pills

There is a fine line between endearingly misguided and psychotic bat shit. I'd like to think I walk that line every day. This line walking does lead a few incidents in which through either carelessness or an unproven belief of invincibility, I get hurt. *ahem* A lot of instances.

I'm currently waiting [till the 28th and then the 3rd] for a couple of procedures to get one of these careless mistakes fixed. In the mean time, I will experience severe pain which will lead to severe headaches due to the location of the affected area. So I have pain killers to help me out in the mean time. I have antibiotics to make sure it doesn't get worse. Pain killers for moderate pain, for severe pain and ones to keep the swelling down. Here's the fun part. Good news. The pain killers for severe pain are supposed to make me drowsy. They don't make me drowsy. But they work. Fun. Bad news. The pain killers for moderate pain cause dizziness and headaches. I get those. Henceforth, I will have a constant head ache and be dizzy so I can avoid severe headaches, sometimes. To summarize - You'll excuse me if I'm not in the mood.


May 16, 2009

159th - Oh Dad

"That movie where the two guys rent a spaceship." - My Dad describing Star Wars.

I'm sorry. I had to steal photos off Facebook. I'm not in town and away from my computer. Sunita is celebrating this first anniversary of her thirtieth birthday. I missed her party. I'm assuming it was cool.

Sameera is the one wearing Zombie-Contacts. I missed her birthday too. Second year running. Same excuse both times too. I wonder if she's pissed. Probably. Once again, photos stolen off of Facebook. Stupid Facebook.

Sarah, this is not turning into a birthday blog. March, April and May are just busy. People get a little productive between July and September.

That's pretty much all I wanted to share. In Philly.


May 12, 2009

158th - Share that Sentiment


No, it's not in order but his birthday is today so he gets first mention. He's one. That's like going from larva shaped to semi-person shaped. He's at the zoo right now. I wanna go to the zoo. I'm sitting around making a pouty face because if I act like a four-year-old girl, someone will take me to the zoo.

So, my friends are asses. I know this comes as no surprise since I'm kind of an ass so it's safe to assume that my friends would likewise, you know, be asses. I don't have any specific examples but I thought I'd share that sentiment.


Who are currently off on their honeymoon to a location they won't share with anyone. Greece is my educated guess. The wedding was all pretty and surprisingly relatively on time. Sadly, I didn't get a chance to take a single photo of anything. We were sitting at a table with newly weds. My god newly-weds are boring. The girls anyway. I had to sit through a discussion about deck furniture and paint pallets. The guys at least had the decency to roll their eyes once in a while.


Shittles! I realized I forgot to call Junaid and Zaib on their birthday and I napped most of my free time yesterday. I should call them today. See, an ass. I called Sarah because she doesn't have a 9pm bedtime. Sarah's birthday was cool. We went Kareokiing. I didn't sing any but I did have fun coming up with a disturbing dance to do along with I want it that way by the Backstreet Boys. Other people sang. Sarah did not.

I got my Flickr account setup and everything. It's a lot of settings and crap to go through. Even took a couple of walks in the park to snap some photos. I learned a couple of things. One. Birds are boring. Even more boring, flowers. On the whole parks serve as good practice but aren't very interesting. I'm sticking with shooting people and buildings and whatnot. Birds, plants, parks can suck it. Anyway, go see my Flickr page full of mostly, sadly, nature stuff. For now...

On a semi-related note. I've actually been fairly decent about taking a photo a day with my cell phone. It's been like a photo every two days but its a step in the right direction. I'll post those in a couple of days.

Alright, I'm off. Going to Philly this weekend to see the boy! I didn't get his present done though. I blame Hadia. She did not get me the source materials I needed.

Anyway, peace out.


p.s. I need an easel. Hint hint!
p.p.s. the layout for this site is still being worked on.

May 5, 2009

157th - Aprils

I know the wonky colours and whatnot will draw some curiosity so I'll explain those first. I decided during my glorious weekend of doing absolutely nothing at all that I should do something. So I decided to start a few new projects. I like doing mini projects. It keeps me busy. In that, I've decided to redesign my blog. Especially since I hate the colour blue to start with. So expect changes. Moving along.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMINA! [April 9th, 2009]

Photos [Left] - Yeah, so they don't provide pants so everyone looks like they're wearing either baggy swimsuits or really complicated adult diapers.

To celebrate, we went Fencing! Seriously, props to Amina for always coming up with cool shit to do. Also, I totally won fencing. I drew first blood [with a blunt poker thing no less. I think it's called an epee], so I win fencing.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUDY! [April 13th, 2009]

Photos [Left] - Judy's dad looks nothing like Dr. Evil now that he's shaved his head. Not even a little bit. Photo of Judy's dad has been removed after I got a yelling at. He still looks nothing like Dr. Evil.

Judy is now among the old and senile just like the rest of us. Bwahaha. That cake was surprisingly delicious, minus that jam stuff. But you know how Asians are about jam.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NADIA! [April 18th, 2009]

Photos [Left] - Nadia likes Cheetos. Nadia also likes cake. I also like how nobody's but Nadia's face is visible. Saddaf...

On the eighteenth, the day of Nadia's birthday, where was Nadia? No damned idea. Someone's wedding shower or something. I saw her in the morning for a few minutes and then she was gone. In summary, Nadia is a bum.

I actually did try to do these ones on time. It didn't work out. I had a good reason though. A good reason. It slips my mind in these early hours of the day but it was a good one. Wait, now I remember it. Yeah, I'm not mentioning that here.

I made me a Flickr account. Since I never seem to submit anything to Horse's photo blog. It's sad because I actually think up ides and then never follow through on them. Weekdays suck for getting stuff done. Yes, I know there is a weekend in there, but it's right at the begining so there is no sense of getting something done. If her submissions were due Monday, that would possibly work out better. Lots of stuff gets done on Sundays.

Speaking of photos and photography, I've decided I like cell-phone photos. Therefore, I'm going to take at least one cell phone photo each day. I actually do run into interesting stuff on the road but I never take any pictures of it. I should.

This was supposed to be a short blog but I need to say this last bit. I work in an office building that has fairly narrow hallways. Narrow enough that two adults can walk comfortably side by side and nothing else. We also have some eldery and and some rounder people in this office space. They always walk dead centre. I've noticed if you don't time it just right, you end up behind them in the about-to-scare-the-shit-ouf-of-the-fatty proximity before you realize it. Once you do you have to either stop or slow down for them to meander on to a safer distance. This has to be really quietly or you rish startling them. I don't know but I rather now started someone with a cane.

Peace out.
