May 21, 2009

160th - Pills

There is a fine line between endearingly misguided and psychotic bat shit. I'd like to think I walk that line every day. This line walking does lead a few incidents in which through either carelessness or an unproven belief of invincibility, I get hurt. *ahem* A lot of instances.

I'm currently waiting [till the 28th and then the 3rd] for a couple of procedures to get one of these careless mistakes fixed. In the mean time, I will experience severe pain which will lead to severe headaches due to the location of the affected area. So I have pain killers to help me out in the mean time. I have antibiotics to make sure it doesn't get worse. Pain killers for moderate pain, for severe pain and ones to keep the swelling down. Here's the fun part. Good news. The pain killers for severe pain are supposed to make me drowsy. They don't make me drowsy. But they work. Fun. Bad news. The pain killers for moderate pain cause dizziness and headaches. I get those. Henceforth, I will have a constant head ache and be dizzy so I can avoid severe headaches, sometimes. To summarize - You'll excuse me if I'm not in the mood.



J said...

Hahaha, fun fun fun. Can I have some of those stronger painkillers?

s said...