June 29, 2009

165th - Heebies

Just thought I'd share a creepy sort of story with y'all.

So, I wanted to purchase a used something and I found a good deal on Craigslist. So I go to meet up with the guy at a Tim Hortons and this HUGE two-hundred-sixty pound fella turns out to be the one I'm supposed to meet up with. The customary small talk.

"I'm Che *it means Six*"
"Jason. You're very pretty."
" - Thank you."
*meaningless conversation continues*
"You're very pretty."
"Thank you. So about the thing."
*coversation about the something*
"... You really are very pretty."
"I'm sorry. I have to go. It was nice meeting you."
*got the hell out of there*

I had Heebies and Heebies after that and a side of HOLY-SHIT-HE-WAS-GOING-TO-RAPE-AND-EAT-MEs. Lesson learned. Only meet people off Craigslist in very public places and be closer to the exit then they are.

On a vaguely related note. I was checked out and smiled at by a very pretty boy on Saturday night. No, I'm not gay, but to catch the attention of a gay pretty boy is kind of an achievement.



-J said...

AH HAHAHAHAHAA!!! So I'm assuming you didn't get the item, oh boy. I suggest changing your user name on craigslist also to avoid stalkers. I agree with the gay pretty boy checking you out thing tho, that is a compliment.

I got a cool almost word word verif: readerr

Mr. Horse said...

LOL! Aww, poor you! Musta been freaky. Serves you right for meeting up with some strange random off of the internet! Be safer!

Anonymous said...

MY that's a freaky story. But good on you getting the attention of a gay pretty boy. :P

shivy said...

Well, you've always known you're a pretty boy, but COME ON - did you JUST realise that gay guys find you attractive?

Ok..this is the ONLY time I will say this in public (because there are very very few other things I hate doing more) - You are a very very pretty boy!
Hell... I would say that you're prettier than many girls I've seen.

That is all.
(Now, I must go and peel that off my record)