May 3, 2010

193rd - Da Clubs

The song that's on right now:
 Heaven knows I tried to let you go,
I can't help myself I think I'm losing control,

Faster Kill Pussycat - Paul Oakenfold 

At the end of last year, I made the horrible, horrible mistake of accompanying a friend to a club. - Previously, I have not enjoyed the club scene, at all. Or to put it more precisely, I would rather let someone who really dislikes me take aimed shots with a compressed air powered staple gun at my left testicle. - Anyway, I had fun that time. I learned the same rules apply to clubs as every other situation. The crowd you're with matters. The venue, not so much. Dance Cave is still a pit, though. Since then, my attendance at clubbing events has gone up and so is the amount of fun I have at these things. Here are some stories from club type events.

This is London - Judy's birthday. There's actual space (not a lot, but enough) to move around. The music was half good/half questionable. Our server was a whole new level of retarded hot, but that's not the point here. Nothing worth mentioning happened that night except for saw a Police Horse take a really long pee.Oh, and this girl I knew from high school (whose name I now remember) took a pee in an alley way. That was classy. Momes, I think you know her. It was fun. Nobody grabbed at my ass.

Phils - End of Exams. When it gets warm, Waterloo smells like horse shit all the time. It's sad that the inside of Phils is more objectionable than Waterloo outdoors. It was fun except that I'm pretty confident, I know what horse shit taste like. OH MY GOD!! And there was this security guard. I wanted to take a picture. He was sitting outside the bathrooms and he was MONSTROUSLY HUGE! When I initially walked by him I thought it was a Laughing Buddha statue, like a big one you find in a temple and had made a note to rub his belly once I finished peeing and washed my hands. Then I realized it was a fat guy. I also also introduced to Major Lazer that day. Actually, that deserves some pause. Go here and watch this video. Then come back. Are you freaked out or guilty amused? Incidentally, that was the same night that the plaza containing Caesar's burnt down.

Circa - Sacha's birthday. What I believed to be a corridor that we were in the whole time turned out to be the VIP section. Go figure. It was a little crowded, but fun. Kinda. There was a dude who got roughed up by the bouncers and he was unhappy about it.

Honest Lawyers - No reason. There was a think with the cops. Not an actual club, but worth mentioning.

C-Lounge - Con's thing. C-lounge was fun. Until the cops showed up. Which wasn't bad until they started giving me a hard time about my friend's activities. I'm not their mother. Why would I be able to control what they do and don't put into them and how they do it. Dirty ass-grabs happened. Con was one of those people.

Nava - Karan's Brother's Thing. Awkward ass-grabbing happened. I don't remember the rest. It was some time ago.

There you have it. A random and completely useless rundown of nothing. This weekend is Nava for Sarah's birthday. Looking forward to that.


1 comment:

-J said...

Yes, girl was hot at London. I think I told her that too, haha. Honest Lawyer's is TERRIBLE!! Next time you and Con go to C-Lounge, invite mes!