September 28, 2005

24th - WTFWJD?

ok, so i haven't blogged in a few days [like one day]. eat me! seriously, only three people inquired about the lack of blog. which means, only three people realistically read my blog. my counter says otherwise, but it's possible these three people are just really enthusiastic and check my blog about thirty-five times a day, each.

i always knew this. but today brought it into start realization. my sister is seriously way too confrontational. some woman called for my brother today and my sister picked up the phone half a second before me so she took the call, before i hung up, i hear, "who are you and what do you want" in that tone she gets sometimes [those of you who know her know exactly what i'm talking about]. now, that would have been acceptable but this was maybe six seconds into the conversation. what the hell did you say lady?

i'm watching tv in the corner of my monitor and it's switched on much [sorry, i only get channel two to thirty down here]. the ciera video, goodies is on which was followed by a brief ciera interview in which she explained what "goodies" meant. i'll give you guys a minute to think about this. young girl, wearing a top that doesn't even go down past her bra, low rise jeans, first driving around with her friends inviting guys to follow them, to later on some sort of club scenes. ok, decide what "goodies" means. goodies means, according to ciera, personal values and morals. raise of hands, who didn't see that one coming?

i've told a bunch of folk that i want the ipod nano. i change my mind, for now. DON'T BUY THE IPOD NANO! apparently, apple doesn't make enough money that when developing the ipod nano, they decided to go with cheap, shitty materials to save cost. basically, they scratch way to easily, even if you take very good, anal-retentive care of it. also, the screen cracks very easily. so anyone who was considering buying me the ipod nano [here's a HUGE F*CKING hint for those of you who can't figure out what i want!] wait two to three months before buying me one.

what the hell is a stole? for the answer, check this out. i have an email buddy. weird huh? tobey sells cookies and other random stuff. i don't think there's really a category for it. if there is, i don't know the name of it. she has a site called taddingtons. according to her site, the category is home and fashion accessories. there is cool stuff in there. contest - first one to find a teacup and saucer in her site and to post in the comments section of this blog gets a prize. tobey and all affiliated people are not eligible for thsi contest. also, anyone outside of a fifteen minute driving range is not eligible. ok, so the answer is, go to her site and check out what a stole is.

"i have never seen someone this handsome go so low brow" john steward on viggo mortensen. viggo did an interview and in the first minute or so of the interview, he started pulling rubber frogs, lizards and snakes out of his coffee cup and pockets and stuff. it's funny because viggo doesn't seem the type to pull this kind of thing. sorry to ruin the fantasy ladies.

ok, i'm about done. the nausea is back. here's what sucks about being sick. i can't read for more than fifteen minutes or sit on the computer for more than fifteen minutes without getting naeseous.

i'm off.

be good.


p.s. here's a question of morality or whatever. from a girl's perspective, would you date a guy with bigger boobs that you? we're talking about man-boobs here. i expect comments and flaming.

p.s. for people wondering about the photosite. i'm working on it. that's all you need to know.

p.s. ok, my title really had nothing to do with anything. whatever.

p.s. you're all jerks. i was sick and blogged and i got one comment. jerk-asses. [i don't care if this p.s. was longer than the blog]

September 26, 2005

23rd - under these clothes, i'm naked

i feel utterly disgusting. i am going to die.


September 24, 2005

22nd - suck at life? try suicide!

ello all

once again, i can't sleep. i'm going right after this and this will be quick. back to bed, round two.

just wanted to let folks know, my cell is gone. well, was gone. for a full twelve hours. i felt so alone, so disconected. listen people, i need monies. any ideas, let me know.

i spent my whole day doing random stuff. these are the things i discovered.

- k-swiss canada is retarded. their customer service department is one person.

- shipping rates make no sense

- my printer is god damned slow. it took half an hour to print out 18 pages of text [forms etc]. thats what you get for spending 50 bucks on a printer. bah.

- roger's new speech recognition phone system is so infuriating. i just keep pressing zero until someone answers. they're all dumbasses.

ok, i saw the tubes comericial with the kids doing karate. why do all three of them look sick. they're so pale! and the sunken eyes. what the hell? does that scare anyone else?

ok - i'm going back to sleep. bye.


p.s. you wouldn't think this a normal route if i can't sleep since this is the basement and i'm sleeping upstairs.

September 23, 2005

21st - this shirt is part of a balanced outfit...

its 7am. guess who's still awake. i've decided to go back to my grade 10 methods. i'm going to go on to a forty-eight hour clock. basically, i will sleep every other day. this means i get eight more hours than everyone else to be productive or vegetate or whatever i want. it worked pretty well in grade ten, i'm hoping it will now too. i believe it was mr. miliners idea.

picture [right] - this was the picture i took for the photo thingy, but now i'm deciding against it because they look like beavers, even though they're monkeys and beavers staring at a banana is strange. not to say a beaver can't enjoy a banana once in a while. just saying, he wont enjoy it at the same level as a monkey would.

today was, well, yesterday was a long day. we went to pick up my sister's wedding videos from the guy. lets just say, neither of us is very happy, but i don't give a shit about that the videographer's feelings. so, i'm not happy, he can eat shit, after he fixes my stuff.

there's a whole long list why i'm annoyed with him. lets not get into it. it's long. i'm right [as always. BRING UP THE CHAIR INCIDENT AND HEADS WILL ROLL or queen street!]

i'm currently wearing my "touch my monkey" shirt which i really like even though i know it's not the most appropriate shirt in the world. i like this shirt. i like monkeys. monkeys are neat.

wow - i suddenly got very nauseous.

picture [left] - this is sunita's picture. she emailed it to me. she was one of two people to do it. since we're gonna change the first assignment anyway (once we're set up and everything) i thought i should post this. here is her blurb about it.

"I know you said that it should be a household item with no function, but everything in the house seemed to have a function. I've chosen these windchimes because although they are supposed to have a function of chiming in the wind, it isn't used for that in this house. We keep these windchimes hanging in the kitchen where you will never find any wind to make them chime, so in essence this is a household knicknack NOT performing its intended function. I hope that satisfies your criteria." - sunita

the other one i got is animals too. i would post that, but i lost the email. it filtered out or something. i don't know.

anyway, have you guys seen the nintendo revolution's controllers. it's a one handed dealy. i'm not sure if this is gonna fly. BUT i have faith in nintendo, they know what they're doing. . . i hope.

ok - nausea not going away. i'm getting something to drink and having a lie down.

night folks.


September 20, 2005

20th - incident of the insomniac blogger...

i would like to start off by saying, SCREW ALL OF YOU WHO DON'T THINK I'M ATHLETIC! SIDEWAYS!

ok, so i couldn't sleep last night and ended up going to bed pretty later - i think around sixth-thirty. around seven-thirty, i hear my dad get up, get ready, go downstairs to have breakfast. i realize, i'm still awake. then he calls up for my sister and brother to wake up and get ready. this goes on for about two minutes. there's a pause. he calls for me to wake my brother and sister out. it would be funny if it wasn't happening to me. so now, i'm awake, tired and sore for some reason.

so last night i tried this smiling thing. i'm sure you guys have heard of it. you kinda raise your cheeks and your lips go into this boat shape, supposed to show people you're happy or pleased about something. have you ever tried holding a smile? i lasted like ten minutes and it hurt so bad! they weren't kidding about it in tad hamilton. yes, i've seen that movie. i have sisters and both my best friends are girls. i see a lot of shit i dont want to. the notebook for example. anyway, there is some good to that movie. paris hilton's acting debut was cut in post-production. it's in the dvd though as a deleted scene.

picture - kate bosworth pulling a doctor evil. random picture i saw online. but it has a point.

which is this. kate bosworth is irritatingly cute. i know i have anger issues. but if you ever sit and watch tad hamilton, you wanna kill something by the end of it. on the whole, this was unrelated, but smiling still hurts. it takes 17 muscels to frown, 42 [i think] to smile, but none to sit there with a dumb look on your face.

news - bilu is visiting on the 30th! i'm not sure if other people are coming with him. ok, him coming is actually just an excuse for us to go eat wings. we love them wings and possibly a hockey game. so yay! bilu is visiting, but not bob.

oh, a quick note - had is a sellout. she knows why.

also, the people who've made comments about how my blog is about nothing, what were you expecting? seriously, i wonder about this. were you expecting me to share my life story? my my inner and most secret thoughts, my plans for global domination, my issues with clowns and balloons? i honestly would not be comfortable sharing that kinda info with the masses, especially that blog-stalker guy who keeps telling me nobody cares about what i think. i have a hard enough time telling people i'm close to my issues, not about to start publishing them. just wanted to make that clear.

i should however, share with you guys that bob made an excellent point last night regarding my blogging habits.

ok, i'm done. keep flamming...


September 19, 2005

19th - pirates are way cooler than ninjas...

title - just throwing it out there. what do you guys think. i site with the pirates. especially if space is involved. pirating is my area of expertise... out of curiosity, does anyone actually read the titles to my blogs?

picture [right] - it's always best to start off with cuteness. so, here's sumi dressed for halloween. since i couldn't come up with anything interesting to put and since a lot of you only read my blog for the pics, i decided to go with halloween 2003 for pictures. it wasn't easy either, i had to reach into and sift through the ridiculously vast, vast, VAST [you-took-a-picture-of-every-grain-of-sand-at-the-beach-? vast - hence my earlier comment about photography being about capturing a moment, not the event] archive of family photos.

i would like to direct everyone to the comments section of the "shrine to jungle book" blog because it appears that we have our first flame war. it's about time! flame on homies! as for the rest of you, what the hell are you guy waiting for?

picture [left] - meanwhile, as sumi was being adorable, shiv was trying to be scary. she failed miserably, but it did result in a cool crow costume. here's shiv. the boots are cool...

ok, so i was chatting on the telephone with shiv [while she was avoiding studying] last night and i realized telephones are great. the other thing i realized was shiv is insane. who in the right mind takes a course like that. she read me some sentence out of her text book and it was the most complicated thing EVER. my brain almost exploded. it made no bloody sense. how many big, multisylabled, hard-as-ass-to-pronounce words are needed in one sentenec. the answer is two at the most. not fifteen! if any of that makes sense to you, you're a genius.

so, the guy who hacked paris hilton's cell got finally got sentenced to eleven months in prison. was it worth it? who honestly cared to know the people paris knows? why won't she die? there's this online petition for people who want paris to have a reason to be famous and that reason should be suicide. everyone should sign it. and for everyone who idolizes paris [maureen, "she's sooo deep. you just don't understand her. read her book!"], you need a role model or a beating. you choice. i will provide either or both. contact me for details.

ok, i've been driving for a very short period of time now [3 months i think] and i'm not a huge fan of it. nonetheless here a list of things that annoy me.

- people who speed up when you're trying to change lanes for no good reason.

- people who won't give you room to pass in the right turn lane, when they're going straight.

- people who drive pointlessly slow. going 42 in a sixty is not appreciated [dad], especially in the left lane [thank god he doesn't do that]

and my last point. which isn't meant to sound racist, but it probably is. "i don't mean to be racist, but i'm going to..." this may have a lot to do with me living three minutes walking from pacific mall, but here it is. chinese people [not all, most] and this is why. ok, the eyesight thing isn't your fault but if it's such an issue, you guys shouldn't be driving. it's more the fact that, chinese drivers of all ages are in huge majority completely unaware of their surroundings [once again, possibly linked to peripherall vision but there's also mirrors and ears] and furthermore because you guys are the least courteous people on the planet. won't budge a bleeding inch, wont let a car through, will do stupid shit and if get honked at actually have the nerve to get pissed off at the other guy. once more, not all chinese [or oriental or whatever. chuptas], just most of you guys.

also, at this point we should all support mome's idea of seasonal driver's licences. it makes sense...

picture [right] - me and smuffy. why she looks like she wants to kill me, i don't know. however, these is a long pointless story about us hating each other when we first met. there was violence. well, that's the entire story actually. so, just pointless, not long. those were very uncomfortable contacts.

this dude called today from my bank, selling some security thing. he sounded so rehearsed, it was ridiculous. i asked him to repeat something and he repeated his whole speech, verbatim with the same pitch, pauses and everything. he's been doing this way too long. it scared me a bit and i felt rude for giggling while on the phone but he should know to vary his tone a little. i'm sorry royal bank telemarketer guy.

ok, i'm hungry. really hungry. i'm having hunger pains hungry and simpsons is on. so screw you guys. i'm off.


p.s. don't forget what i said about the flaming...

September 16, 2005

18th - my god...

picture [right] - today's photo set is brought to you by sacha, who has out cheesed me. all hail sacha, the queen of cheese.

i just finished watching devil's rejects. oh dear god. i would like this moment to apologize to my computer, my dvd player, my television, my soul, the composite wires, the remote controls, my eyes, my heart, my brain, this blog for mentioning it, time itself and everything else that had anything to do with my viewing of this movie. may the gods of movies have mercy on rob zombie because if i ever meet him, he's going to regret it.

i always thought that duplex was the worst movie ever made, but rob zombie decided to rise to the challenge. i'm not even gonna continue talking about it. just don't. for the love of god, don't. if you have an old boyfriend or someone you wanna torment, even then, just don't. i don't thing i'm ever going to get the stench of this off me.

picture [left] - this is my favorite of the bunch. i think it's the facial expression. it's just a good picture.

before i go on, email comment which i thought i would share.

"hmph... so i just realized that my company does not actually block your blog... but it blocks the comments page! so i read the whole thing and thought of a quirky comment to make, and LO AND BEHOLD websense wont let me!! stupid bastards!

totally love the idea about the photo contest from the previous blog... i shall be entering it post haste! also... when the hell was that picture of bob taken?? cuz bob doesnt recognize it, nor does bob remember owning that shirt! fill BOB in. the date is incorrect, because bob always celebrates his sisters birthday on that night... unless that was taken on his sisters birthday. hmmph bob is confused. when in doubt, say BOOBIES

lovin ur blog... it helps pass time on a boring day at work, if i could only hunt down those bastards at websense.

not bob"

which brings me to my next point. a few days ago i mentioned the weekly photo assignment. well, me and mome were talking and we've decided that my blog isn't the best place to host something like this, so we're going to spend the next few days setting that up on separate website which we can organize a lot better. we'll keep you posted on that. the first assignment will remain the same though. also, for the people we actually know, look out for an email outlining the whole thing.

picture [right] - i really have to make a note to ask her what the reason for these pictures were. they're hilarious.

congratulatory news - my brother got a job. hurray!

i've been noticing this weird thing in all the circles i travel in. there's this tendency to use the word potatoe randomly. poe-tae-toe, slowly. i don't get it. it is fun to say, but i don't get where it all began. does anyone else?

i use the gillete mach three turbo for my shaving needs. it has three blades, which i think it more than enough. i think it does a good job. the major competition for this brand is shick's quattro, which you guessed it, four blades. gillete has chose retaliation in the form of a new razor which has five blades. i think we've crossed the lines here. five blade may just be 2 blades too many. i'm uncomfortable with this.

ok, someone explain this. some street racer convicted of hitting some person has been found guilty. he got some original sentence which to the family of the victim wasn't good enough, they appealed and now the dude is being deported back to india. does that make sense?

picture [left] - the photo set continues. it's very entertaining. is it just me?

i'm still trying to get over that bloody movie. my god, it was bad. tonight, i will watch the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy. i should read that before i watch it, but i don't think that's going to happen.

so last night i spent a few hours reading the news and this is what i found in the world section of the toronto star. some woman in japan is suing rolex for psychological trauma because her watch gave her a rash on her wrist and she had to wear long sleeve shirts. it's way to easy to sue people. i need to sue people for stuff. i need the money. lets see, who can i sue? any ideas? i got nothing.

i'm sorry - this has been a very bad blog. i apologize. at least the pictures are entertaining. you can thank sacha for that.

picture [right] - this is the last of the set. i have absolutely no idea what's going on in these pictures but they're fun.

ok, i'm going to go now. i'm kinda hungry but i'm afraid if i eat something, it's going to come right back up. stupid movie - ruined my life!

since my blog is usually the last form of entertainment for a lot of you. and since this blog sucked, you're good and pissed. go here. invade panda privacy at the zoo. it's creepy to me but you might get a kick out of it.


September 15, 2005

17th - your little dog too...

just a quick note before i begin. well, two quick notes [which could just as easily be put into the body but shut up] - one. there will be no more quotes at the end of my blogs. apparently, it's pretentious. two. i don't remember two. i'll get back to you. ok, now i remember. two. inquiries about the "shrine to jungle book" will not be answered. three. thank you to mome for reading my blog and getting right on that. James Taylor - You've got a friend. [three quick notes. bite me]

let's start with something stupid and unrelated. like anything is ever related.

picture [right] - i was about to start annoying adidi and i got this. click on this picture. look at the display pic. i know it's not just me who thinks the girl on the far right looks like she has her pants pulled down. i thought it was funny. ok, onto to other stuff. yes, i'm aware most of that picture is useless.

today's blog is about random human behaviour. i jsut made that up. lets see i can make that fit.

my brother called me while i was out because he killed my computer, which is a nice gesture opposed to the usual "i don't know what you're talking about" bit. anyway, i didn't answer, i was at work, so he left me voicemail. he left me the home phone number to call him at! I think that's a warning sign of a really dysfunctional relationship. either that, or he is way to formal on the phone. he's done the same thing to amina. which leads to another point. don't email people you live in the same house with. it's weird.

picture [left] i must take this moment to apologize to bob for not putting up the pictures i took of him. here's one. ask and you shall receive, my son. ok, there's no other point of this picture but it does fit into today's subject. why did bob do this? i can't only wonder as i rock back and forth with my arms wrapped around my legs.

ok, the real reason i'm blogging. some oil tycoon's wife in texas was watching the news and saw the whole bit about the floods and was deeply touched. she hired a 747 and a whole bunch of pros and went to new orleans to save the pets. the pets [200 of them] were rescueed, fed, bathed, vaccinated, and overall pampered. now this is all cute and dandy but does anyone else see the issue with this? they said the cost of the plane alone was over fifty grand and the whole endeavaour came up to something over four hundred thousand. this woman watching the news was moved by stranded pets. the starving black dude didn't move her, but toto did. out of sheer, dumb-struck horror, i watched the whole half-hour thing on her and there was no mention of her giving any money to save the people. ok, let me make one thing clear. i don't hate animals. i like cats and dogs and monkeys [there were no monkeys rescued] and various animals but there are limits to my compassion for animals. i draw the line somewhere before saving a dog before a person. especially when i could have saved 200 people instead. it would have been cheaper. vets cost more than doctors. even animal lovers would agree with me on this. if someone knows this woman, and reads my blog [odds are one in never], smack her. i think riley said it best [read below. click on it if you can't make out the text]

i've just been wondering. who told me to watch daria episodes?

alright, my weird behaviour. a lot of you know, i have a thing about clowns. we're not here to discuss that but here's my question. why do i not have a problem with krusty or any other simpsonized clown? hmm...selective coulrophobia.

ok, so i think i'm about to start doing something i said i wouldn't ever do. i'm depressed abuot it to, but desperate times call for desperate measures. i'm going to start freelancing again. web design, photography [i hope. excuse to buy new camera], and mainly graphics. it's even sadder to write it down. makes it seem final. but when you've got bills to pay, we all do things we're not proud of. anyway, here's an example. well, it's not a good example because i'll be doing ads and stuff, but whatever.

picture [above] - this is a picture i was working on last night. well, i actually starting this in the van on the way to detroit [with no mouse, i should mention], but then basically had to redo it. i reduced the quality a bit too much, so it doesn't look great. i'm still working on it. can't figure out what to do with the background. yea, smuffy's a thug. she's not too happy about the commie thing though.

last night, i got the craving for cookies. so i got up and went to macs. it was around 2. shhh. i can drive now. it's somehow more acceptable. anyway, on my way there, i was waiting at the traffic light and i see some dude on a bike. not strange considering my neighbourhood, but one. he was wearing white silk pyjamas. two. he was white [in my neighbourhood, that's strange] three. he gave me a funny look like what i was doing was weird. for further comment on this, read boondocks comic above.

so, i got my cookies and chips and some other stuff. i have never experienced this before. my chips were too salty. it ruined the whole thing. i had like three chips and had to stop. completely ruined it. didn't eat my cookies or anything after that. it also made me sicker, so that was unpleasant. i should have mentioned that. i'm sick. it's gross. bile tastes disgusting.


- no quote

September 13, 2005

16th - shrine to jungle book...

picture [right] - today's photos are some pictures i took a wee while ago of shivs. i like the way they turned out. other than the fact that i like these pictures, they really have nothing to do with anything on the blog. there was no prep done with these pictures. i just stopped to snap a few shots, while we were headed for sushi, or on the way back, i don't remember.

so, lets begin with my blog depressing me. i reread the blog i entered yesterday and it depressed me further. that's not nice.

afterwards i was reading the comments and now i'm wondering. did every chick i know at some point in their lives hate [or really dislike, anyway] me? karen, shiv, courtney, cindy, asma, farahs [there's two of them], caboose, fiona, taj [well, i think she still hates me] are all examples. i'm probably missing names too. i take it, i don't make good first impressions. that's sad, i always thought i was kinda charming. how far off was i? teenage big headedness. priceless. the lesson out of all this, is to make sure i meet everyone a few times so they don't think i'm a prick.

for some reason, there is a puppy on my jones cola. there is no significance there, but i thought i should mention it.

picture [left] - this is my favourite of the bunch. i don't know why. i just like it. i think it's the eyes or something. maybe it's the earring on the far side. i don't know but whatever it is, i like this picture.

alright, something related to photography. PHOTO ASSIGNMENT. I'm going to start this because it's fun. Once a week, i will randomly give out a photography task and you guys can go out take pics and send them to me along with a descriptions and each week, i'll post them here and we'll declare a winner. this will make more sense once i move my blog over to my website [which i've been procrastinating on starting and putting up again]. but for now, my blog will do. note - on those days of the week, pictures will take a wee longer to load since i'll try not to reduce the quality too much on them. THIS WEEKS ASSIGNMENT is to take an interesting picture of a random household knick-knack or decorative piece. nothing with function. that's simple enough, i think. entries are due on 20th. best bet is to email them to me at along with your brief description.

how many people here use google earth? i use it. my dad introduced me to it. it is the most useless piece of software i have ever used for hours without end. all of north american is fully detailed, but all the other parts of the world i'm interested in seeing are useless. i'm not interested in seeing my house that i'm sitting in. i see that all the time. i wanna see pakistan and dhabi, etc. and those places have no detail. if you're about to say it, yes i have the pro version with all the plugins and stuff.

i'll be right back

picture [right] - someone explain to me why i like this picture. it's just a nice picture. i think it's the hair. it looks pretty. and the eyes.

ok, i'm back. had to do something for bilu. dude, i just realized, nome has all these pictures. all of them. not jsut the 100 i put up. bah. well, i just got image resizer. what a handy little tool. it lets you batch resize images. perfect for the blog. no more loading up photoshop every time.

see, useless piece of software. useful piece of software. that wasn't even planned.

ok, so a few weeks ago, i told everyone what i wanted for my brithday. then i changed my mind and told people, i'll get it myself. the only reason why i did that is because i found this comment just plain mean, "i decided not to get you anything for your birthday because you're too hard to shop for." that's so mean. i put time and effort and thought into presents for people. smuffy, before you say it. yes, i still owe you. anyway, before of that comment, i just announced that i wanted the x-box 360 the ultimate bundle with the wireless controllers, dvd remote, hd wires, and four games [available at for seven hundred us.]. but yea, i'll get that myself. ok, so the reason for that story was to segue into this story. microsoft has gone crazy. for two reasons. one, they're targeting google because google keeps stealing away their execs. that's fine. that's a reason to be pissed, but saying, "i'm going to fu*king kill google!" in interviews is not the right way to go about it. also, i believe 2 days ago, microsoft announced that the new x-box 360 will be unhackable. . . unhackable. . . that sound you hear is hackers worldwide laughing their asses off. see, the seque made sense.

picture [left] - i think this is shivy's favourite picture. i think she likes it because of the earing. so, which one do you like best?

since we're badmouthing huge corporations, lets move on to sony. they just never learn. remember, when sony did that beta thing way back when. then they did the memory stick them, which is why sony camera sales suffer because nobody wants to pay for a 512mb memory stick when they can get an sd card for 25 bucks cheaper. now sony is about to introduce blue-ray discs, the "dvd kiler". they want to replace dvds by these high capacity discs which can hold up to 56GB on a single disc. now, this sounds great doesn't it. but this is sony, so they'll find some way to screw it up for themselves. like patent it in such a way that nobody else but sony can produce the technology and therefore nobody will use it. they did with beta, the did it with memory sticks, they did it with other stuff, and they're gonna do it with blue-ray. just wait and see. dumbasses...

the last think i'm going to ask tonight. "i have a beep". did you know people actually use this phrase. i was talking to ambler and she said, "i have a beep" and clicked over. i was confused and wondering, "what the hell?". but yea, people use that phrase. first time i've heard it.

alright, i'm off. hopefully, this was more entertaining than my previous blog. sorry about that.


- computer dating is fine . . . if you're a computer [234]

September 12, 2005

15th - i feel shitty...[not the most creative title, but it gets the point across]

allo lovelies.

ok, so i haven't blogged in a while. it's been depressing times. nothing bad has happened, just feeling down.

"when you're down and troubled/and you need a helping hand..." i dont remember the rest.

for the past few days, work has been shit. how is this appropriate to do. i worked form 12-9 on friday (so by the time i got out, it was 930ish) and then from 8am to 9pm the next day, and then started at 10 the next day, till close. that's basically ruining my entire weekend. and work has generally sucked for the past couple of days. i don't wanna talk about it...

i'm eating papaya right now. i'm not sure how i feel about papaya. it has a strange soft-to-har texture to it, but it tastes alright.

tonight, i got a msg online asking if i wanted to play tennis. ignoring the fact that i haven't slept in a few days and that my right angel is cut and bleeding in two spots (i don't know how) and my right foot has been hurting like a bitch for the past few days, i said yes. forty-five or so minutes later, my ride came. and oh, what fun it was. we went to the park and we walked around being bitten by bugs (i didn't get bit becaue i put my sweatshirt on), and sitting on butt-crushing swings, and walking around some more, coming too close to couples wanting their privacy. then we went to mcdonalds and then things got exciting. we got gas! note that there was no mention of tennis anywhere in there.

there's people around. i just don't want anything to do with most of them. i feel alone - this is a bad sign of things to come.

there is nothing more to say.


- i think people should be free to engage in any sexual practices they choose - they should draw the line at goats though

September 7, 2005

14th - two months ago yesterday...

picture [right] - only we would take this many people to wonderland with us. everyone in this picture is with us except for the arm in the front and the three girls behind smuffy and sophie. in order, top row to bottom, as best as i can. jameel, goshi, omer, zaffar (eyes), sach, ambler, aneela, sarah, irum, farah, junaid, momes, sarah, saira, haider, hina, chicky, shazia, saima, sophia, amina, khawar, asma. see, it's possible.

for some reason, we're all geniuses and the week before the weddings, we decided that on the solitary day we get off, we're all gonna pick up and go to wonderland. so after seven days of work and partying, we went to wonderland. ok, the actual reason we went was to take khawar (the dude in the middle of the picture above)

picture - this is ukh. we had to make sure she was tall enough to ride on top gun. i know, it's mean and insulting, but come on, she's like four foot nothing! well, actually she's four-foot-eleven, i believe. she took it in good humour though, which is good. if you don't have a very forgiving sense of humour, you're not getting very far in my family.

ok, so here is the actual reason i started this blog today. this is what i saw while i was out.

i was outside for a wee bit today and i noticed a blue bmw convertible. wait, that's not the alarming part. she got in, started her car and drove down a bit and while at a stop sign, rolled up her window. now think about this. this woman, while driving a convertible, rolled up her window to do what? keep a smell out, the wind out of her hair, she sent a bug out, wanted to keep a bum out, what? whatever she was trying to accomplish, i hope she managed, it seemed kinda feeble to me. but yea, it just caught me eye. this was the only reason why i'm bloggin. the rest is filler. see, filler can be entertaining.

picture - on our way to wonderland, the car i was in got pulled over for loud music. after we were pulled over there was a bit about seatbelts, and some rolling papers and suspended licences, etc. we got off the hook and nothing happened out of the event with the exception that i look criminal. for some reason, mr. officer decided to give me a hard time about it. maybe it was because my voice was gone and it came off as me sounding afraid. i don't know. pointless story made short, i couldn't help taking a picture of it.

fox news and everyone related to fox news are bastards. while i was in detroit, visiting my sister, a bunch of us were watching the news. fox was showing some rescues and covering the general area of new orleans. after a while, their attentions focused on this black dude sitting on a roof. after a few minutes of randomly circling him, the guy notices and gets up and gestures that he needs water and honestly, he really looked like he needed it. the helicopter however just kept circling him for a few minutes more while he kept asking for water. then it flew away.

now, i'm pretty sure there was at least one water bottle in that helicopter. why would you not just chuck it down to the guy?

picture [right] - this is my cousin. the fun news is, he's not yawning. he actually made that face. i wonder if he'll kill me for putting this up. hmm, maybe.

ok, so i'm aware i randomly wrote about an even from two months ago just so i would have pictures to put up. apparently, i didn't put up enough pictures last night. more info on that, read blog below. but whatever, there is nothing you can do about it. it's my blog. deal with it.

i would like to thank asma for this next bit. i haven't done this in a while, so here it goes. cousin licking. you'd be surprised how many of these pictures exist and furthermore how many of these pictures contain amina trying to lick someone. but we're all a little photography psycho so its hard to find pictures just because of sheer volume. (we have at least 1500 photos a day for the weddings. 1500!) which once again brings me to this point. take it to heart. photography is about capturing a moment, not the event. if you wanna capture the event, get a camcorder. also, quality of pictures is more important than quantity. one good picture will work much better than 15 mediocre ones. just saying, that's all...

picture - this is amina's second time being caught on film (yes, i know it's digital. digital film, whatever) while cousin licking. you must learn to practice more caution.

ok, i think i'm done bloggin for the day. i think i was right when i first started this blog, saying i would get lazy eventually.

a request - i'm running out of sharpies. if anyone feels inclined to encourage art, buy me sharpies. all kinds accepted, but only sharpies. no fake staples knock-offs, which for some reason cost the same thing. i don't get that. but back to the point, send sharpies before i have to go buy my own.


- a lot of people would rather tour sewers than visit their cousins. [76]

p.s. not us...
p.s. nobody is guessing the quotes

September 6, 2005

13th - tdot visits the ddot...

picture [right] - lets start off with some cuteness. no, not me, but thanks anyway. this is soniya. she tells very interesting stories, it's very cute. as an update, i'm still awkward with children, nothings changed.

alright, i know i'm late with this blog. i got emails about it. seriously, no patience. let me recover from my trip at least. ok - here is the copy and paste version of my blog.

"This will probably be my most picture filled blog ever, starting with this one. [you will forgive any random formatting errors. i will fix as many as i can, but i will get lazy eventually]

picture [left] - this was on the way there on friday evening. it's not a great picture but i like the way it looks. the black stuff is trees by the way.

This weekend, as I mentioned earlier was my visit to Detroit to see my sister and her in laws. It was fun. It’s amazing how comfortable we all are with each other. There is no sense of formality or need to stand on occasion. We’ve only technically known their family for a year and in that year, we’ve probably only seen each other maybe ten days or so.

We’re all already past the stage where we’re sleeping on each other, calling each other chubby, fatty, tubs, chubbles, etc (well, maybe that was just me), smelling each others arm pits (manny), tormenting one another. It’s great!

picture [left] - this is bilu's highschool picture. i know he'll murder me for this, but i couldn't help it. we love you bilu.

Mome & Bilu for along famously. They are eerily alike. To the point where they use the same deodorant (with the exception that one uses gel and other the stick) and their older sisters follow the similar patterns as well.

Anyway, the trip was amazing. Near the end of it, on the way home, I got a tad annoyed, but that’s not really anything significant that needs to be dwelled on.

This by the way, will be my third attempt at blogging this. My attempt to blog in Detroit was bankrupted by the mysterious crashing of the computer I was working on. That was annoying and I couldn’t be bothered to do it again.

So, here i am, yes again. I think this blogging thing might be a serious issue. I might need counciling.

picture [left] - strange picture of me holing a giant rubber ball and a pacifier. it's a ring pop, i'm not a raver. this was at the bbq. wicked tikas. asma had intented to use this candy to bribe soniya into liking her.

The plan was to leave Friday evening by six at the latest. So nobody was surprised when we left a wee after seven. About five minutes after that we had already established a theme for the trip, which started with, “who’s rolling the papers?” which went along with the listening to legalize it and ganga farmer and some other randomly related stuff. Sad part – there was no actual weed at any point. seriously, no weed. that's not to say that it matters or that any of us are potheads. if anyone is, i don't know about it.

picture [left] - smuffy posing for a picture, about to get nailed by a giant blue ball. ignore me and mome. this happened a lot by the way. when we were inside, i randomly told my sister to take off smuffy's glasses. she did, knowly what i was gonna do. smuffy inquired, had told her, she just wanted to see her glasses. even though i didn't want to, i felt obligated to take the shot. smuffy was pissed.

Other memorable quotes of the trip were.

“when I needed to sharmilifi, I sharmilafied”

picture [right] - this is ukh. the owner of that lovely quote you just read. yes, i know, there's a few in every family. thugs...

“they don’t have cars, but they’re great soccer players” - i have no idea what the hell this was about. maybe mexicans.

I’ll continue as I think of more – I’m half asleep.

Currently, we’re on the highway headed home. We’ve already crossed the border and should be home within the next 3 hours. Traffic looks good.

I hate malls. Seriously, I hate shopping and all things related and malls especially. Every time I walk into a mall, I somehow manage to drop a hundred bucks, at least on stuff I never even considered to get. What pissed me off was that the one thing I needed to get, I didn’t find.

pictures [right & below] - these are pictures i took out on the driveway. i thouht they turned out cool. you can make out actual constalations. how cool is that? i think i like the second one better though. click on them, or you won't see anything exciting.

picture [right] - this is manny playing poker. also, she stole the dealer chip. we may have a problem on our hands.

There was this store, I forget the name but everything in it was seven bucks. Clothing store that sold everything and I mean everything. Jeans, t-shits, golf shirts, jackets (yes, winter jackets were seven bucks). It’s kind of like one of those mixed blessing type places. Some was shit, but for the most part, it was pretty cool. I ended up buying a bunch of t-shirts.

I also bought a book. I know, I can’t help it, I’m addicted to bookstores. It’s on a book on bullshit. How appropriate is that since I’m full of so much of it.

Also, I’m addicted to shoes so naturally I bought shoes as well. There was some other stuff but I don’t remember. Before you say it, let me say it first, shut up.

Yesterday, we went to this place which’s name I forget. I’m bad with names if anyone hadn’t noticed. It was kinda like a miniature theme park. There was minigolf, rock climbing, go karting, you know that sorta thing. It was fun.

picture [left] - this is me and alima. someone explain what the hell that expression on my face is supposed to mean. also, someone could have told me my glasses were crooked. i would like to point out, these glasses are blue, not brown. i don't get it either.

I don’t get this. I know I’m my sister’s “baby” but it’s weird how fast that kind of information travels. Everyone knows that and some people actually call me that. that’s just a wee strange. Being called “baby” by someone other than a girlfriend or a very maternal sister can be very weird, for me anyway.

I should make a note to mention that since Friday, I have slept for maybe eight hours tops. Probably somewhere closer to six though. Right now there is so much weird caffeinated stuff sloshing around in my system. Things ranging from red bull, to toro, to stat bucks double shots (which is very good by the way) to some weird ass cactus flavored energy drink.

picture [left] - My brother is crazy! A bunch of us did the rock climbing thing. We all lasted between five and ten minutes except for him who kept his endeavors up for at least a good thirty minutes. He’s nuts.

Which brings me to this next point. A lot of you will be interested in this. Starting the moment I reach home, I WILL NOT DRINK ANOTHER ENERGY DRINK FOR A FULL MONTH. *brought to you by red bull. Creators or same named delicious energy drink I am to resign away from. Don’t roll your eyes at me! I know half of your just did! Screw you guys! I’ll be keeping you guys posted on my withdrawal as it progresses. To make it more fun, during the update my suffering, if someone leaves a message on my blog saying I can go ahead and drop it. The requirements of my oath are complete and I can resume destroying my body. It’s not like they’re going to another owner after me.

picture [right] - aparently, there is something entertaining about the way i sleep. i don't get it. i'm not actually asleep, i'm just lying down.

Also, I would like to thank Manny & Bilu for providing us with red bull, and slushi’s and cookie crisp. You guys are awesome.

Last night was weird. My sister who just got married and is expected, to a certain degree to be mature and proper (boring) had a pillow fight (three rounds) with ukh (pronounced ook) who got married 2 days after my sister and is also expected to display a certain level of maturity. It was funny. At this point, I would also like to note that ukh would make a bleeding fantastic horror movie chick. She’s got the hair and big eyes for it. I think it’s something she should really consider. Or at the very least, use her powers to torment and scare family members (mainly her husband).

picture - mome, had and bilu. what bilu is doing? i don't know, but it's funny.

Q News – We have invented a new game for our Q Olympics. It’s called swing ball. Details and rules are being worked out as we speak, but we’ll keep you guys posted. The updated list of available sports is: the shoe kick (running, standing and relay), monopedial sumo (winter only) – swing ball, sharades, and ultimate.

I do believe what I said about a previous blog has not been proven inaccurate. This is my longest blog ever. I better be seeing a whole bunch of comments at the end of this. Especially before I’m forgetting a lot shit. Also, youll notice, this is the only blog entry of mine using uppercase. That’s because Microsoft Word does this automatically and I’m not going to go thtough it and undo everything. That just reeks of effort and the only reason I don’t capitalize letters is because I’m lazy and can’t be bothered to do it. So me going back and undoing it would be purpose defeating.

pictures [left & below] - guess who's this is? i'll give you a hint. it's not her. ok, that was a lame escuse to throw that picture in there.

Asima needs to be mentioned because of her usage of the word, "jankie". Which as far as we can figure out, is the word Themla used in the Scooby Doo Aventures. Still have no idea what it means. If anyone knows, by all means, enlighten us.

Ok, it's 720pm. I'm taking a break from blogging. I need food"

ok, i had to mention this. i was walking to my friends house today and this chick in a BMW convertible was waiting at the traffic light. Then I noticed her rolling up her widow. I'm inclined to ask. What the hell did that accomplish? If you're worried about your you hair getting messed up, you bought the wrong car and rolling up your window won't do much.

ok, i'm tired. this took an hour to do [putting the pictures in and tryign to fix the retarded formating]. also, if anyone mentions i could have made the thumbnails smaller, shut up. Just shut up.

Wow, i sound way more angry than i am. Nonetheless, my trip was awesome. Now you guys have to visit.

Here is the last photo...

picture - in order - top row first - mome, me, manny, smuffy, had, nomes, bass, bilu, mina and tink. this was the first night. we really shouldhave taken a secong picture before we left, where we all looked dead. by the way, thanks had, for calling ahead to let mom and dad know not to let me out so i sleep. punk... missing - asima, alima, dori [ask him how he got his car], shakil, saba, soniya, ali and tons more. i'm really bad with names. i'm sorry.

I've probably missed a lot of stuff, so feel free to add in whatever I've missed in the comments section...


- distant relatives are the best kind and the further away the better...

September 1, 2005

12th - you raped my childhood!

you know when you wanna hit someone for stealing your childhood but you're just not sure who to blame? tonight was one of those moments. my siblings and i decided for some strange reason to watch cat in the hat, starring mike myers. the experience was unpleasant to say the least. never in my life have i cared less for a movie than this. well, that's not entirely true. here is a list of other movies i would have been happy without:

the notebook - honestly, who cared about this?
titanic - same comment as above. it was long, drawn out and seriously, nobody really cared about this. the only people who enjoyed this movie were teenage girls who saw it literally dozens of times.
van helsing - the creators knew they didn't have a chance in hell to get a sequel so they tried to get him to kill every monster in one movie (the frankenstein monster, dr. jekyll and hyde and dracula in ONE MOVIE!). also, why does he use the one-thousand-arrow-shooter against three vampires, but uses a normal shotgun, when there are thousands of booger babies flying around the sky?
fire down below - i barely remember this movie and it still haunts me to this day. thanks for this one, mansoor.
batman & robin - george clooney is a bastard for ever accepting this role. also, bat nipples. nothing further need be said.
exorscist the beginning - the hyena came out of the well! that makes no bloody sense.
spice world - how big was that bloody bus. plus, "if you wanna be my love, you gotta get with my friends" *or something like that* is exactly why the spice girls should remain single forever and die as lonely cat ladies. nailing a spice girl isn't worth putting up with the other four.
catwoman - there is nothing to really say about the movie. they cast howdie berry. we all know she can't act. if you're going to bring this up, she only got the oscar because they gave it denzel washington and she happened to be another black nominee and it would make for cute magazine covers the next week. just goes to show that the oscars are stupid.
alien vs. predator - the predator accepts this woman into his "clan" thingy by burning her face with acid (alien blood). why?
solaris - should be up here because i fell asleep within the first 10 minutes of the movie and i recall being very hyper before i sat down to watch this.
daredevil - they fought in a children's playground because he asked her for her name! too many stupid fights.
i'm done - that's not a movie. i know i bolded it. i'm just letting you know i'm done my list, for now.

someone explain this. braveheart came out the same year as seven. braveheart was okay. the fight scenes were terrible but on the whole it was okay and had the mel gibson factor going for the chicks. seven was perfect. i was
beautifully done. explain. more proof, oscars are crap.

i should mention that tonight is adidi's birthday. adidi is shivs little cousin. she's now 16, i believe. here's a picture of her from grade eight. just to annoy her. i've got more embarrassing photos but since she's going to get upset and throw a hissy, we'll stick to this though.

picture - this is adidi in grade eight getting a rolled piece of parchment.

adidi is your average betty-high-school, nerd of all nerds type. after speaking to her for a few minutes, you get the impression that she wasn't born naturally but put together in a lab with parts from lesser nerds.

also, i should note, its 315am and as soon as i'm done posting this blog, i'm calling her to annoy her. i'm good like that.

anyway, happy birthday adidi. i hope you get something nice from your bovine-fecal friend or the other one, the one i approve of, and of course, your family. brat

screw it - calling her now - wow, she sounds pissed. she sounds like a drooler. ok, i'm off the phone now.

tonight, i had dinner with some people at kilin, the sushi resturaunt i frequent far too often. it was fun. sushi was good. i want sushi now. damnit. but yea, nothing really interesting there, just an entertaining night. just thought i would mention it. look, i don't come back with stories every time i go out. just deal with it.

i'm going to detroit this weekend. yay! so this may be my last blog til next week. well, no. i'm going to the store with me dad in the morning. that's 8 hours of excitement. i'll definitely get out at least one more blog.

last but not least, i would like to thank shiv for finally flaming someone in the comments. you're a good friend. also, red is an excellent colour, freak. nonetheless, FLAME ON!

picture - and to be nice, here's adidi lokoing all cute.

great- now i have empty space to fill up. what the hell am i going to write in this much space. the trouble i go through to keep things proper.

ah, i know. flaming of my own.

damn, i've got nothing. it's past 330. i'm tired and wanna be watching tv or something.

ummm, i want the x-box 360 for my birthday. that's in march, that's plenty of time to work out the details. the high end version, not the core system.

i'm out of ideas of what else to write. as luck would have it, i'm near the end of my space. just a line or two more will do it. that wasn't hard. i filled up emplty space by complaining about empty space and the need to fill it. be good.


- awards are like
haemorrhoids; sooner or later every asshole gets some.

p.s. holy crap, this blog was long.