September 19, 2005

19th - pirates are way cooler than ninjas...

title - just throwing it out there. what do you guys think. i site with the pirates. especially if space is involved. pirating is my area of expertise... out of curiosity, does anyone actually read the titles to my blogs?

picture [right] - it's always best to start off with cuteness. so, here's sumi dressed for halloween. since i couldn't come up with anything interesting to put and since a lot of you only read my blog for the pics, i decided to go with halloween 2003 for pictures. it wasn't easy either, i had to reach into and sift through the ridiculously vast, vast, VAST [you-took-a-picture-of-every-grain-of-sand-at-the-beach-? vast - hence my earlier comment about photography being about capturing a moment, not the event] archive of family photos.

i would like to direct everyone to the comments section of the "shrine to jungle book" blog because it appears that we have our first flame war. it's about time! flame on homies! as for the rest of you, what the hell are you guy waiting for?

picture [left] - meanwhile, as sumi was being adorable, shiv was trying to be scary. she failed miserably, but it did result in a cool crow costume. here's shiv. the boots are cool...

ok, so i was chatting on the telephone with shiv [while she was avoiding studying] last night and i realized telephones are great. the other thing i realized was shiv is insane. who in the right mind takes a course like that. she read me some sentence out of her text book and it was the most complicated thing EVER. my brain almost exploded. it made no bloody sense. how many big, multisylabled, hard-as-ass-to-pronounce words are needed in one sentenec. the answer is two at the most. not fifteen! if any of that makes sense to you, you're a genius.

so, the guy who hacked paris hilton's cell got finally got sentenced to eleven months in prison. was it worth it? who honestly cared to know the people paris knows? why won't she die? there's this online petition for people who want paris to have a reason to be famous and that reason should be suicide. everyone should sign it. and for everyone who idolizes paris [maureen, "she's sooo deep. you just don't understand her. read her book!"], you need a role model or a beating. you choice. i will provide either or both. contact me for details.

ok, i've been driving for a very short period of time now [3 months i think] and i'm not a huge fan of it. nonetheless here a list of things that annoy me.

- people who speed up when you're trying to change lanes for no good reason.

- people who won't give you room to pass in the right turn lane, when they're going straight.

- people who drive pointlessly slow. going 42 in a sixty is not appreciated [dad], especially in the left lane [thank god he doesn't do that]

and my last point. which isn't meant to sound racist, but it probably is. "i don't mean to be racist, but i'm going to..." this may have a lot to do with me living three minutes walking from pacific mall, but here it is. chinese people [not all, most] and this is why. ok, the eyesight thing isn't your fault but if it's such an issue, you guys shouldn't be driving. it's more the fact that, chinese drivers of all ages are in huge majority completely unaware of their surroundings [once again, possibly linked to peripherall vision but there's also mirrors and ears] and furthermore because you guys are the least courteous people on the planet. won't budge a bleeding inch, wont let a car through, will do stupid shit and if get honked at actually have the nerve to get pissed off at the other guy. once more, not all chinese [or oriental or whatever. chuptas], just most of you guys.

also, at this point we should all support mome's idea of seasonal driver's licences. it makes sense...

picture [right] - me and smuffy. why she looks like she wants to kill me, i don't know. however, these is a long pointless story about us hating each other when we first met. there was violence. well, that's the entire story actually. so, just pointless, not long. those were very uncomfortable contacts.

this dude called today from my bank, selling some security thing. he sounded so rehearsed, it was ridiculous. i asked him to repeat something and he repeated his whole speech, verbatim with the same pitch, pauses and everything. he's been doing this way too long. it scared me a bit and i felt rude for giggling while on the phone but he should know to vary his tone a little. i'm sorry royal bank telemarketer guy.

ok, i'm hungry. really hungry. i'm having hunger pains hungry and simpsons is on. so screw you guys. i'm off.


p.s. don't forget what i said about the flaming...


Anonymous said...

psh you call those costumes... you know how difficult it is to dress up as Chandler????


Anonymous said...

umm, no i don't...

Anonymous said...

HEY! I DID look scary...everyone who was HERE and DIDNT ditch me on hallowe'en saw that!! *ahem ahem ZAFF!*

How is it hard to dress like Chandler? It's like raiding GAP and wearing all their crap! GARHH! I hate GAP...burn in hell u CORPORATE DEMON!

and oh yeah...the sentence i was reading to u, z....the avg. sentence frm tht article goes like this:
"...The nature and dynamics of international systems are governed by the character of their constituitive units, which, in turn, rests on specific property relations prevailing within them" --Teschke

I hate school...blahhh

~ a verrry confused Shivvy

Anonymous said...

And another thing.... pirates aren't cooler than ninjas! NINJAS are friggin' AWESOME! Remember the turtles???


Anonymous said...

Ooooomg. that is one complicated sentence. i dont mean to sound retarded but really i didnt get a word of that. so kudos to shiv for actually understanding that stuff. anyway...great blog fuffer!! we all luv it. its great. can i go now? yay.