September 15, 2005

17th - your little dog too...

just a quick note before i begin. well, two quick notes [which could just as easily be put into the body but shut up] - one. there will be no more quotes at the end of my blogs. apparently, it's pretentious. two. i don't remember two. i'll get back to you. ok, now i remember. two. inquiries about the "shrine to jungle book" will not be answered. three. thank you to mome for reading my blog and getting right on that. James Taylor - You've got a friend. [three quick notes. bite me]

let's start with something stupid and unrelated. like anything is ever related.

picture [right] - i was about to start annoying adidi and i got this. click on this picture. look at the display pic. i know it's not just me who thinks the girl on the far right looks like she has her pants pulled down. i thought it was funny. ok, onto to other stuff. yes, i'm aware most of that picture is useless.

today's blog is about random human behaviour. i jsut made that up. lets see i can make that fit.

my brother called me while i was out because he killed my computer, which is a nice gesture opposed to the usual "i don't know what you're talking about" bit. anyway, i didn't answer, i was at work, so he left me voicemail. he left me the home phone number to call him at! I think that's a warning sign of a really dysfunctional relationship. either that, or he is way to formal on the phone. he's done the same thing to amina. which leads to another point. don't email people you live in the same house with. it's weird.

picture [left] i must take this moment to apologize to bob for not putting up the pictures i took of him. here's one. ask and you shall receive, my son. ok, there's no other point of this picture but it does fit into today's subject. why did bob do this? i can't only wonder as i rock back and forth with my arms wrapped around my legs.

ok, the real reason i'm blogging. some oil tycoon's wife in texas was watching the news and saw the whole bit about the floods and was deeply touched. she hired a 747 and a whole bunch of pros and went to new orleans to save the pets. the pets [200 of them] were rescueed, fed, bathed, vaccinated, and overall pampered. now this is all cute and dandy but does anyone else see the issue with this? they said the cost of the plane alone was over fifty grand and the whole endeavaour came up to something over four hundred thousand. this woman watching the news was moved by stranded pets. the starving black dude didn't move her, but toto did. out of sheer, dumb-struck horror, i watched the whole half-hour thing on her and there was no mention of her giving any money to save the people. ok, let me make one thing clear. i don't hate animals. i like cats and dogs and monkeys [there were no monkeys rescued] and various animals but there are limits to my compassion for animals. i draw the line somewhere before saving a dog before a person. especially when i could have saved 200 people instead. it would have been cheaper. vets cost more than doctors. even animal lovers would agree with me on this. if someone knows this woman, and reads my blog [odds are one in never], smack her. i think riley said it best [read below. click on it if you can't make out the text]

i've just been wondering. who told me to watch daria episodes?

alright, my weird behaviour. a lot of you know, i have a thing about clowns. we're not here to discuss that but here's my question. why do i not have a problem with krusty or any other simpsonized clown? hmm...selective coulrophobia.

ok, so i think i'm about to start doing something i said i wouldn't ever do. i'm depressed abuot it to, but desperate times call for desperate measures. i'm going to start freelancing again. web design, photography [i hope. excuse to buy new camera], and mainly graphics. it's even sadder to write it down. makes it seem final. but when you've got bills to pay, we all do things we're not proud of. anyway, here's an example. well, it's not a good example because i'll be doing ads and stuff, but whatever.

picture [above] - this is a picture i was working on last night. well, i actually starting this in the van on the way to detroit [with no mouse, i should mention], but then basically had to redo it. i reduced the quality a bit too much, so it doesn't look great. i'm still working on it. can't figure out what to do with the background. yea, smuffy's a thug. she's not too happy about the commie thing though.

last night, i got the craving for cookies. so i got up and went to macs. it was around 2. shhh. i can drive now. it's somehow more acceptable. anyway, on my way there, i was waiting at the traffic light and i see some dude on a bike. not strange considering my neighbourhood, but one. he was wearing white silk pyjamas. two. he was white [in my neighbourhood, that's strange] three. he gave me a funny look like what i was doing was weird. for further comment on this, read boondocks comic above.

so, i got my cookies and chips and some other stuff. i have never experienced this before. my chips were too salty. it ruined the whole thing. i had like three chips and had to stop. completely ruined it. didn't eat my cookies or anything after that. it also made me sicker, so that was unpleasant. i should have mentioned that. i'm sick. it's gross. bile tastes disgusting.


- no quote


Anonymous said...

thanks for that lovely tidbit at the end zaffar! why no quoooootes? i love the quotes!

Sarah Q. said...

Thats not riley my friend. Thats huey! *sigh* Tragic! lol

sixth lie said...

my god, i got the names wrong. dang...