September 7, 2005

14th - two months ago yesterday...

picture [right] - only we would take this many people to wonderland with us. everyone in this picture is with us except for the arm in the front and the three girls behind smuffy and sophie. in order, top row to bottom, as best as i can. jameel, goshi, omer, zaffar (eyes), sach, ambler, aneela, sarah, irum, farah, junaid, momes, sarah, saira, haider, hina, chicky, shazia, saima, sophia, amina, khawar, asma. see, it's possible.

for some reason, we're all geniuses and the week before the weddings, we decided that on the solitary day we get off, we're all gonna pick up and go to wonderland. so after seven days of work and partying, we went to wonderland. ok, the actual reason we went was to take khawar (the dude in the middle of the picture above)

picture - this is ukh. we had to make sure she was tall enough to ride on top gun. i know, it's mean and insulting, but come on, she's like four foot nothing! well, actually she's four-foot-eleven, i believe. she took it in good humour though, which is good. if you don't have a very forgiving sense of humour, you're not getting very far in my family.

ok, so here is the actual reason i started this blog today. this is what i saw while i was out.

i was outside for a wee bit today and i noticed a blue bmw convertible. wait, that's not the alarming part. she got in, started her car and drove down a bit and while at a stop sign, rolled up her window. now think about this. this woman, while driving a convertible, rolled up her window to do what? keep a smell out, the wind out of her hair, she sent a bug out, wanted to keep a bum out, what? whatever she was trying to accomplish, i hope she managed, it seemed kinda feeble to me. but yea, it just caught me eye. this was the only reason why i'm bloggin. the rest is filler. see, filler can be entertaining.

picture - on our way to wonderland, the car i was in got pulled over for loud music. after we were pulled over there was a bit about seatbelts, and some rolling papers and suspended licences, etc. we got off the hook and nothing happened out of the event with the exception that i look criminal. for some reason, mr. officer decided to give me a hard time about it. maybe it was because my voice was gone and it came off as me sounding afraid. i don't know. pointless story made short, i couldn't help taking a picture of it.

fox news and everyone related to fox news are bastards. while i was in detroit, visiting my sister, a bunch of us were watching the news. fox was showing some rescues and covering the general area of new orleans. after a while, their attentions focused on this black dude sitting on a roof. after a few minutes of randomly circling him, the guy notices and gets up and gestures that he needs water and honestly, he really looked like he needed it. the helicopter however just kept circling him for a few minutes more while he kept asking for water. then it flew away.

now, i'm pretty sure there was at least one water bottle in that helicopter. why would you not just chuck it down to the guy?

picture [right] - this is my cousin. the fun news is, he's not yawning. he actually made that face. i wonder if he'll kill me for putting this up. hmm, maybe.

ok, so i'm aware i randomly wrote about an even from two months ago just so i would have pictures to put up. apparently, i didn't put up enough pictures last night. more info on that, read blog below. but whatever, there is nothing you can do about it. it's my blog. deal with it.

i would like to thank asma for this next bit. i haven't done this in a while, so here it goes. cousin licking. you'd be surprised how many of these pictures exist and furthermore how many of these pictures contain amina trying to lick someone. but we're all a little photography psycho so its hard to find pictures just because of sheer volume. (we have at least 1500 photos a day for the weddings. 1500!) which once again brings me to this point. take it to heart. photography is about capturing a moment, not the event. if you wanna capture the event, get a camcorder. also, quality of pictures is more important than quantity. one good picture will work much better than 15 mediocre ones. just saying, that's all...

picture - this is amina's second time being caught on film (yes, i know it's digital. digital film, whatever) while cousin licking. you must learn to practice more caution.

ok, i think i'm done bloggin for the day. i think i was right when i first started this blog, saying i would get lazy eventually.

a request - i'm running out of sharpies. if anyone feels inclined to encourage art, buy me sharpies. all kinds accepted, but only sharpies. no fake staples knock-offs, which for some reason cost the same thing. i don't get that. but back to the point, send sharpies before i have to go buy my own.


- a lot of people would rather tour sewers than visit their cousins. [76]

p.s. not us...
p.s. nobody is guessing the quotes


Anonymous said...

is it jsut me... or is that pic from the line at the theme park look a lot like the poster for sopranos? who's tony...?

Lampy said...

I see you have Harley Quinn's blog on your links - are you friends with her? Because I know her too :)