July 15, 2008

116th - Big Boy Pants

I had my Blond Moment of the Day pretty early today. I was shaking my Star Bucks Frappacino [Shaking it well, I might add], when I realized my swing was a little wild and geographically too close to my face. Right after this realization, I hit myself in the face with the bottle. I think there's going to be a bruise.

Technically, I first sold out when I bought the iPhone a few months ago. Now I've officially sold out by buying an iPod. I wanted like a 40gb one but those don't exist anymore so instead now I have 80GBs in which to store my MASSIVE digital music collection [which is now somewhere near fifteen entire giga-bytes]. In conclusion, you win Steve Jobs. You're a bad person. I would like some explanation to one thing though. I like the new non-shiny and non-gross front side, which isn't as prone to finger prints but why is it that after six generations of iPods, Apple still doesn't realize that nobody likes the damn chrome on that back. My iPod is less than three days old [most of that time was spent in it's box and sitting on my table since I didn't get a chance to really play with it] and the back of it looks like I sandpapered it. Only people like Judy could keep this thing looking new. For those of you who don't know Judy, she is among those people who leave the protective stickers on their electronics years after they've been outdated.

A few days later - It's the following week to be exact that I'm now continueing this. You'll be glad to know, I got a very minor bruise which is now gone. *glee*

NOT A SPOILER - Holy cRAP! Dark Knight was INSANE! I think everyone I know has seen it by now except for Ani [who sucks], Judy [who has no sense of urgency] and Shiv [who lives in one of the richest areas of the world but still aren't important enough to get good movies on time] and Anoop [same reason as Shiv]. Me, Momes and Amaan went to go see the midnight show. We showed up at around 9pm and were like 50th in line. Amaan wanted to come at like 11. Once we got seated and were waiting, I hear this, "So, I can't beleive that Red Bull isn't red!". It's also not made of Bulls but that seemed of little concern to you, did it?!?! I was pretty sure my ears were going to start bleeding.

Now for serious talk. If you don't care about the inner workings of my life, feel free to skip this paragraph. One: I'm getting the distinct feeling that I'm being ex-ed out by certain people. I don't really care all that much because it makes any potential exodus I may make much easier but I'm failing to see a reasoning for it, which is what concerned me. Am I being ex-ed out on a set of false assumptions or have I done something to offend that I am unaware of. I've never been subject of such a bitch-move before. Two: I haven't been sleeping well these past few weeks. I can't come up with any reasoning for this. My sleep habits had been getting gradually better. I was also informed that my "Weird Factor" as it's elegantly called by Nomi, could be directly related to my sleep patterns. Now this brings up a whole new line of questioning. If my sleep patterns change, will my personality change. Will I like the new me I'll become without much choice or do I chose to continue as I am in hopes of retaining who I am. What to do? And so on and so forth. Three. As many of you know, I've had a theory these past few months that has been harping at me for some time. I have a feeling we're going to find out that I'm not just imagining it in the next few months. Now, moving along.

Sunday morning, I had the distinct impression that someone had killed me during my brief sleep. I woke up to find that I couldn't feel most of my body and then went on to discover that my head was turned 100ish degrees. I didn't know my head could do that. It hurt. It still hurts.

It occurred to me this weekend, I never threw my Socks Party or my Challenge Day or did the Qlympics thing or use my Wonderland Season Pass even once [I haven't even gotten the ID made. Maybe I should just sell it off, no?]. I'm depressed now. I'm going to go get an everything bagel with garlic cream cheese and a Vanilla parfait.

Be good.


p.s. If you have any of my books/comics/movies/clothes/etc, I'd like them back please.


Sarah Q. said...

wow ur a depressing one of recent arent you. Sheesh man. snap out of it. ur depressing me!

Anonymous said...

I lost the toothpaste off of my toothbrush once.
I went into the toilet and put some toothpaste on my lovely red toothbrush and walked out back to my room. I put the brush in my mouth and there was no minty freshness to be had. A sad moment indeed.
I found the toothpaste the next morning on top of my door.
For some reason your starbucks story remound me of it and I had to share. Yeah...
Anyway like bajo said:
Don't be so glum, chum.

Mr. Horse said...

I would say we should still do the socks party, but I think most people may think it's too hot for socks at this time of year. I, on the other hand, love wearing socks all the time, so if you still wanna through the socks party then I say go for it!

Also, I was saying to Mome that I want to do movie night at his place one day so I can abuse the wonderful t.v. I wanna watch Blade 2 since he's never seen it. Let's pick a date and get that done.

Lastly, just confront those people who are ex-ing you to find out why. It's better than wondering.

Anonymous said...

1) that's the best kind of bagel - so props to you

a.dark knight WAS insane
b.although this was at Wanted, at least you didnt have saira loudly saying "Huh, smells like Up-Dog in here" every time a new group of people walked in...

saira is now taking over the computer. and she caught didi in the act!!! i just have to mention that saira is innsssaaaannneeellllyyyyy awesome.

Anonymous said...

note to self:
never leave computer unattended with younger sister around.

Anonymous said...

i spoke to u regarding the "issues" online, so no point in mentioning them here.

I'm kinda sharing ur emotion on friends who end up "ex-ing" u out, or do the annoying cliche thing of saying ridiculous things abt u to others. 'Mr. Horse' is right... you need to talk it out. Sooner than later.

Onto Dark Knight news...im reallly annoyed with everyone going on and on and on about how awesome it is (coz i havent seen it yet!!!!..and also because it being awesome shouldn't come as a surprise). Also... they release movies here on THURSDAYS only...so since the worldwide release was Friday, we have to wait till this Thursday to watch it. Yea, i am ready to maime someone for having to wait this long.

Also...i miss home. My spirit is getting crushed... and ur blog didnt help. We need a therapy sushi session!

KiLin, Z??
(miss u!...and arthur!)

Sarah Q. said...

wow reema. that was the most random I have seen you yet. lol!

Unknown said...

you seemed to be sleeping well last time i saw you (before i woke you up)

i hate seeing movies while having high expectations... that said, i had VERY high expectations of The Dark Knight and it didnt disappoint

not sure about the x-ed out crap. come on over and we'll play this new tennis game i got for my xbox

and really it should be called the Qlympiqs