May 5, 2009

157th - Aprils

I know the wonky colours and whatnot will draw some curiosity so I'll explain those first. I decided during my glorious weekend of doing absolutely nothing at all that I should do something. So I decided to start a few new projects. I like doing mini projects. It keeps me busy. In that, I've decided to redesign my blog. Especially since I hate the colour blue to start with. So expect changes. Moving along.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMINA! [April 9th, 2009]

Photos [Left] - Yeah, so they don't provide pants so everyone looks like they're wearing either baggy swimsuits or really complicated adult diapers.

To celebrate, we went Fencing! Seriously, props to Amina for always coming up with cool shit to do. Also, I totally won fencing. I drew first blood [with a blunt poker thing no less. I think it's called an epee], so I win fencing.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUDY! [April 13th, 2009]

Photos [Left] - Judy's dad looks nothing like Dr. Evil now that he's shaved his head. Not even a little bit. Photo of Judy's dad has been removed after I got a yelling at. He still looks nothing like Dr. Evil.

Judy is now among the old and senile just like the rest of us. Bwahaha. That cake was surprisingly delicious, minus that jam stuff. But you know how Asians are about jam.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NADIA! [April 18th, 2009]

Photos [Left] - Nadia likes Cheetos. Nadia also likes cake. I also like how nobody's but Nadia's face is visible. Saddaf...

On the eighteenth, the day of Nadia's birthday, where was Nadia? No damned idea. Someone's wedding shower or something. I saw her in the morning for a few minutes and then she was gone. In summary, Nadia is a bum.

I actually did try to do these ones on time. It didn't work out. I had a good reason though. A good reason. It slips my mind in these early hours of the day but it was a good one. Wait, now I remember it. Yeah, I'm not mentioning that here.

I made me a Flickr account. Since I never seem to submit anything to Horse's photo blog. It's sad because I actually think up ides and then never follow through on them. Weekdays suck for getting stuff done. Yes, I know there is a weekend in there, but it's right at the begining so there is no sense of getting something done. If her submissions were due Monday, that would possibly work out better. Lots of stuff gets done on Sundays.

Speaking of photos and photography, I've decided I like cell-phone photos. Therefore, I'm going to take at least one cell phone photo each day. I actually do run into interesting stuff on the road but I never take any pictures of it. I should.

This was supposed to be a short blog but I need to say this last bit. I work in an office building that has fairly narrow hallways. Narrow enough that two adults can walk comfortably side by side and nothing else. We also have some eldery and and some rounder people in this office space. They always walk dead centre. I've noticed if you don't time it just right, you end up behind them in the about-to-scare-the-shit-ouf-of-the-fatty proximity before you realize it. Once you do you have to either stop or slow down for them to meander on to a safer distance. This has to be really quietly or you rish startling them. I don't know but I rather now started someone with a cane.

Peace out.



Unknown said...

interesting new colours

not sure about cell phone photos, they never look all that good. very convenient though

that being said, ever been to a concert where people record a performance by holding up their cell phones trying to take a picture or a video. the outcome is crappy pictures/audio AND you ANNOY everyone behind you

verifiqation: groan

Mr. Horse said...

Yay! Flickr account! I have one too. Go visit it and add me as a contact -

btw, I don't like the white background on your blog.