May 12, 2009

158th - Share that Sentiment


No, it's not in order but his birthday is today so he gets first mention. He's one. That's like going from larva shaped to semi-person shaped. He's at the zoo right now. I wanna go to the zoo. I'm sitting around making a pouty face because if I act like a four-year-old girl, someone will take me to the zoo.

So, my friends are asses. I know this comes as no surprise since I'm kind of an ass so it's safe to assume that my friends would likewise, you know, be asses. I don't have any specific examples but I thought I'd share that sentiment.


Who are currently off on their honeymoon to a location they won't share with anyone. Greece is my educated guess. The wedding was all pretty and surprisingly relatively on time. Sadly, I didn't get a chance to take a single photo of anything. We were sitting at a table with newly weds. My god newly-weds are boring. The girls anyway. I had to sit through a discussion about deck furniture and paint pallets. The guys at least had the decency to roll their eyes once in a while.


Shittles! I realized I forgot to call Junaid and Zaib on their birthday and I napped most of my free time yesterday. I should call them today. See, an ass. I called Sarah because she doesn't have a 9pm bedtime. Sarah's birthday was cool. We went Kareokiing. I didn't sing any but I did have fun coming up with a disturbing dance to do along with I want it that way by the Backstreet Boys. Other people sang. Sarah did not.

I got my Flickr account setup and everything. It's a lot of settings and crap to go through. Even took a couple of walks in the park to snap some photos. I learned a couple of things. One. Birds are boring. Even more boring, flowers. On the whole parks serve as good practice but aren't very interesting. I'm sticking with shooting people and buildings and whatnot. Birds, plants, parks can suck it. Anyway, go see my Flickr page full of mostly, sadly, nature stuff. For now...

On a semi-related note. I've actually been fairly decent about taking a photo a day with my cell phone. It's been like a photo every two days but its a step in the right direction. I'll post those in a couple of days.

Alright, I'm off. Going to Philly this weekend to see the boy! I didn't get his present done though. I blame Hadia. She did not get me the source materials I needed.

Anyway, peace out.


p.s. I need an easel. Hint hint!
p.p.s. the layout for this site is still being worked on.


SophiaQ said...

I didn't call Junaid & Zaib either - which was ridiculous on my part, because Sumbal Chachi talked to me earlier that morning and it just slipped my mind that I should ask her to hand them the phone. Woops!

Give a hug to Ayaan for me! Still haven't seen him. Boo. =(

J said...

Happy birthday to Ayaan! ^^ He's such a cutie...

Sarah Q. said...

oooo thanks zaffar! U shoulda did the dance too. With kelvin and vinh. That was funny. lol

Sarah Q. said...

by the way. i hope you realize ur blog is becoming a birthday shoutout blog?? lol.. Just sayin'. and NO this does not enable you to coment on my lack of blogging either.

MOMIN said...

Lets all take a moment to note the shirt Ayaan is wearing.


sN said...

oh momes... i noticed that shirt. VERY CUTE!
Following the protocol, Biggs gets the first mention in my comment too. Give him the biggest hug and kiss for me... i miss him. Im reallllllllly hoping he'll be there when im down. He's so cute. Tell him that I miss him. He'll understand..SO TELL HIM!!!

Ok... onto the comment abt ur friends being 'asses'... it's simple. U're the common point...and we NEED to be asses to be able to communicate on the same wavelength as u. Seeing as Im ur best friend...ive mastered it to the point of it being natural to me. lol.

miss u