January 10, 2010

183rd - Mehpic

Facebook Status: Am I the only one who thought Avatar was mind-blowingly mehpic?

We all went and saw it. Half of us loved it (Mina for example has dubbed it the "Greatest movie ever!") and the other half kinda fell asleep.

Am I missing the whole point of Pocahontas 2250?

What was the the big deal? Was is the seamless/flawless CGI effect that a 500 million dollar movie should have? Was it the far too predictable but good (but old and recycled with no new twist) story line? Was it the good (not amazing) cinematography that you would expect from someone like James Cameron? came Was is that the main character really had nothing to lose either way but chose to do the "right" thing? Was is the new genre of Avatar porn that will be popping up any day now?

It wasn't a bad movie. It was palatable and at timed entertaining. Nothing pulled me into the movie. Nothing made me feel anything for any of the characters?

Here's the same message in 12 minutes. The Lorax by Dr. Seuss. There are parts about 2-3 minutes each. Watch it.

Someone tell me what the big wow factor of this movie was minus that it was colossally over-hyped for a movie that would be incredible if it was done with no-name talent and fifty million dollars but when you look at the names behind it and 500 million dollars just barely scratches the mark of being good?

You owe me fifteen bucks James Cameron.


p.s. on a side note, It's Complicated with Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin and Stever Martin was very entertaining, with the exception of the kids and fiance (Jim from the Office) who were the absolute worst examples of children ever. Jim got better half way through the movie.

1 comment:

Mr. Horse said...

I think people are way too excited over the CGI, motion capture and 3D technology. It looked cool, but I agree with you, it was just okay. I thought there were some major casting mistakes, the storyline dragged at some points, the movie itself was way too long and it was so cliche at some points! But again, it looked great and I guess that's what's blowing people away. I think if anyone saw it in a regular theatre they wouldn't think it's as great of a movie as some people do after having seen it in 3D or even in IMAX 3D.