January 14, 2010

185th - Three

This isn’t about Britney’s Three.

One. Don’t listen to Lonely Island on the bus. You will giggle and smile to yourself and people will stare at you.

Two. Unless you are old, disabled, injured or trekking a baby/other large luggage, I am not going to offer you my seat on the bus/subway. Being a girl does not entitle you to my seat. If some poor guy (not me) does offer his seat or something, a simple, “no, thank you.” rarely follows. What does follow is the verbal assault and accusation that he is a sexist and one of the worst kinds because he does it under the guise of being chivalrous and is really subtlety trying to keep women down. (Yes, I saw this happen today) Don’t complain, “Chivalry is dead.” You killed it yourself.

Three. I have found the perfect woman. Some of you can confirm this: I’ve described the perfect woman as blonde, beautiful and not very bright. Her name is Kellie Pickler. She can sing and she’s got a southern accent to boot, which is fun to listen to and accentuates the stupidity.Watch.

If anyone has any hookups to Kellie, you know what to do. Amber, Sophie, Saima, Bill. Looking in your directions.


1 comment:

sn said...

did u just 'facebook badge' your blog?

can you get any lamer?

Also... Fem-nazis are insane! So they'd gladly take a seat if a girl offers it to them... they're just HIGHLY offended when a guy offers it to them?
Who's actually sexist then, hmm?

crazy ppl!!