September 12, 2005

15th - i feel shitty...[not the most creative title, but it gets the point across]

allo lovelies.

ok, so i haven't blogged in a while. it's been depressing times. nothing bad has happened, just feeling down.

"when you're down and troubled/and you need a helping hand..." i dont remember the rest.

for the past few days, work has been shit. how is this appropriate to do. i worked form 12-9 on friday (so by the time i got out, it was 930ish) and then from 8am to 9pm the next day, and then started at 10 the next day, till close. that's basically ruining my entire weekend. and work has generally sucked for the past couple of days. i don't wanna talk about it...

i'm eating papaya right now. i'm not sure how i feel about papaya. it has a strange soft-to-har texture to it, but it tastes alright.

tonight, i got a msg online asking if i wanted to play tennis. ignoring the fact that i haven't slept in a few days and that my right angel is cut and bleeding in two spots (i don't know how) and my right foot has been hurting like a bitch for the past few days, i said yes. forty-five or so minutes later, my ride came. and oh, what fun it was. we went to the park and we walked around being bitten by bugs (i didn't get bit becaue i put my sweatshirt on), and sitting on butt-crushing swings, and walking around some more, coming too close to couples wanting their privacy. then we went to mcdonalds and then things got exciting. we got gas! note that there was no mention of tennis anywhere in there.

there's people around. i just don't want anything to do with most of them. i feel alone - this is a bad sign of things to come.

there is nothing more to say.


- i think people should be free to engage in any sexual practices they choose - they should draw the line at goats though


Anonymous said...

Aww dont feel alone zuffy! sheesh u sound like seriously depressed man. maybe its cuz ur eating papaya??? that fruit is the DIRTIEST shit ever. it tastes like vomit. seriously next time ur eating it just think of the taste of vomit and u'll sooo get it. its gross.

Anonymous said...

Don't feel so bad Zaffar. When you're feeling down, remember that at least I don't dislike you now nearly as much as I did in the 6th grade.

My personalites demand a death match with your personalities, let's see what we can arrage.

Oh, and I do believe that quote is Elton John... randy little fellow that he is.

Anonymous said...

Watch some "Daria" episodes, that should pull you right out of that depression....or possibly push you significantly deeper into depression...not quite sure

Anonymous said...

You feel shitty? I'm back at'-urns!I want to come home. I can't even call you up as often and bitch about it. Grr...stupid little shit kicker town!
What did your quote have to do with your blog entry anyway? Goats on your mind??
