September 20, 2005

20th - incident of the insomniac blogger...

i would like to start off by saying, SCREW ALL OF YOU WHO DON'T THINK I'M ATHLETIC! SIDEWAYS!

ok, so i couldn't sleep last night and ended up going to bed pretty later - i think around sixth-thirty. around seven-thirty, i hear my dad get up, get ready, go downstairs to have breakfast. i realize, i'm still awake. then he calls up for my sister and brother to wake up and get ready. this goes on for about two minutes. there's a pause. he calls for me to wake my brother and sister out. it would be funny if it wasn't happening to me. so now, i'm awake, tired and sore for some reason.

so last night i tried this smiling thing. i'm sure you guys have heard of it. you kinda raise your cheeks and your lips go into this boat shape, supposed to show people you're happy or pleased about something. have you ever tried holding a smile? i lasted like ten minutes and it hurt so bad! they weren't kidding about it in tad hamilton. yes, i've seen that movie. i have sisters and both my best friends are girls. i see a lot of shit i dont want to. the notebook for example. anyway, there is some good to that movie. paris hilton's acting debut was cut in post-production. it's in the dvd though as a deleted scene.

picture - kate bosworth pulling a doctor evil. random picture i saw online. but it has a point.

which is this. kate bosworth is irritatingly cute. i know i have anger issues. but if you ever sit and watch tad hamilton, you wanna kill something by the end of it. on the whole, this was unrelated, but smiling still hurts. it takes 17 muscels to frown, 42 [i think] to smile, but none to sit there with a dumb look on your face.

news - bilu is visiting on the 30th! i'm not sure if other people are coming with him. ok, him coming is actually just an excuse for us to go eat wings. we love them wings and possibly a hockey game. so yay! bilu is visiting, but not bob.

oh, a quick note - had is a sellout. she knows why.

also, the people who've made comments about how my blog is about nothing, what were you expecting? seriously, i wonder about this. were you expecting me to share my life story? my my inner and most secret thoughts, my plans for global domination, my issues with clowns and balloons? i honestly would not be comfortable sharing that kinda info with the masses, especially that blog-stalker guy who keeps telling me nobody cares about what i think. i have a hard enough time telling people i'm close to my issues, not about to start publishing them. just wanted to make that clear.

i should however, share with you guys that bob made an excellent point last night regarding my blogging habits.

ok, i'm done. keep flamming...



Anonymous said...

YOU LOOOOKED for a picture of Kate Bosworth?? WHHAAAAT? U .... never mind! I hate you (that's for ur stupid ass-ness from the convo last night....loser!)
PS: HERE! here's ur comment for ur blog! U HAPPY NOW? I hadn't had the chance to read any of them in the past few days...SO THT'S WHY I COULDN'T COMMENT!! GARRRH!
PPS: U're irritatingly irritating! Someday...I'll ANNIHILATE YOU!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!

...ok....i think i'm hungry...time to eat...

sixth lie said...

punk! i didnt go searching for it. i was surfing and i stumbled upon it. which reminded me that she is annoyingly cute.

Anonymous said...


I have THREE words for you...




AND SUUUURRE u were JUST surfing and stumbled upon it! HAHAHA! I was right...ure a giant pervert! PERV! Why didnt u get a pic of emma watson while u were at it, pervy? She's "irritatingly cute" too, right? LOL! BWAHAHAHA..

sixth lie said...

listen punk! emma is not irritatingly cute. she's just cute. you leave emma alone or me and you are gonna have words, ya heard?

i have two words for you:
jungle book!

punk! WHAT!!

Anonymous said...


I HAVE THREE MORE words for you:


That's right...I went there!


sixth lie said...

alright, you win.


Anonymous said...


...NOW.... to take over the world!!


Anonymous said...

awww look at this cute little idalogue! awwwwww. k really i dunno what to say. its 4am and im drunk. u think i know wtf this blog is about? mot raelly. but rock on zaffar, rock on.

Anonymous said...

wtf?? i just realized that i wrote that last comment signed in as the hell did i manage that?

Anonymous said...

scratch that last comment...computers being not crazy...

Anonymous said...

where is ur LIFE STORIES???? i would wanna see that!!!!