September 13, 2005

16th - shrine to jungle book...

picture [right] - today's photos are some pictures i took a wee while ago of shivs. i like the way they turned out. other than the fact that i like these pictures, they really have nothing to do with anything on the blog. there was no prep done with these pictures. i just stopped to snap a few shots, while we were headed for sushi, or on the way back, i don't remember.

so, lets begin with my blog depressing me. i reread the blog i entered yesterday and it depressed me further. that's not nice.

afterwards i was reading the comments and now i'm wondering. did every chick i know at some point in their lives hate [or really dislike, anyway] me? karen, shiv, courtney, cindy, asma, farahs [there's two of them], caboose, fiona, taj [well, i think she still hates me] are all examples. i'm probably missing names too. i take it, i don't make good first impressions. that's sad, i always thought i was kinda charming. how far off was i? teenage big headedness. priceless. the lesson out of all this, is to make sure i meet everyone a few times so they don't think i'm a prick.

for some reason, there is a puppy on my jones cola. there is no significance there, but i thought i should mention it.

picture [left] - this is my favourite of the bunch. i don't know why. i just like it. i think it's the eyes or something. maybe it's the earring on the far side. i don't know but whatever it is, i like this picture.

alright, something related to photography. PHOTO ASSIGNMENT. I'm going to start this because it's fun. Once a week, i will randomly give out a photography task and you guys can go out take pics and send them to me along with a descriptions and each week, i'll post them here and we'll declare a winner. this will make more sense once i move my blog over to my website [which i've been procrastinating on starting and putting up again]. but for now, my blog will do. note - on those days of the week, pictures will take a wee longer to load since i'll try not to reduce the quality too much on them. THIS WEEKS ASSIGNMENT is to take an interesting picture of a random household knick-knack or decorative piece. nothing with function. that's simple enough, i think. entries are due on 20th. best bet is to email them to me at along with your brief description.

how many people here use google earth? i use it. my dad introduced me to it. it is the most useless piece of software i have ever used for hours without end. all of north american is fully detailed, but all the other parts of the world i'm interested in seeing are useless. i'm not interested in seeing my house that i'm sitting in. i see that all the time. i wanna see pakistan and dhabi, etc. and those places have no detail. if you're about to say it, yes i have the pro version with all the plugins and stuff.

i'll be right back

picture [right] - someone explain to me why i like this picture. it's just a nice picture. i think it's the hair. it looks pretty. and the eyes.

ok, i'm back. had to do something for bilu. dude, i just realized, nome has all these pictures. all of them. not jsut the 100 i put up. bah. well, i just got image resizer. what a handy little tool. it lets you batch resize images. perfect for the blog. no more loading up photoshop every time.

see, useless piece of software. useful piece of software. that wasn't even planned.

ok, so a few weeks ago, i told everyone what i wanted for my brithday. then i changed my mind and told people, i'll get it myself. the only reason why i did that is because i found this comment just plain mean, "i decided not to get you anything for your birthday because you're too hard to shop for." that's so mean. i put time and effort and thought into presents for people. smuffy, before you say it. yes, i still owe you. anyway, before of that comment, i just announced that i wanted the x-box 360 the ultimate bundle with the wireless controllers, dvd remote, hd wires, and four games [available at for seven hundred us.]. but yea, i'll get that myself. ok, so the reason for that story was to segue into this story. microsoft has gone crazy. for two reasons. one, they're targeting google because google keeps stealing away their execs. that's fine. that's a reason to be pissed, but saying, "i'm going to fu*king kill google!" in interviews is not the right way to go about it. also, i believe 2 days ago, microsoft announced that the new x-box 360 will be unhackable. . . unhackable. . . that sound you hear is hackers worldwide laughing their asses off. see, the seque made sense.

picture [left] - i think this is shivy's favourite picture. i think she likes it because of the earing. so, which one do you like best?

since we're badmouthing huge corporations, lets move on to sony. they just never learn. remember, when sony did that beta thing way back when. then they did the memory stick them, which is why sony camera sales suffer because nobody wants to pay for a 512mb memory stick when they can get an sd card for 25 bucks cheaper. now sony is about to introduce blue-ray discs, the "dvd kiler". they want to replace dvds by these high capacity discs which can hold up to 56GB on a single disc. now, this sounds great doesn't it. but this is sony, so they'll find some way to screw it up for themselves. like patent it in such a way that nobody else but sony can produce the technology and therefore nobody will use it. they did with beta, the did it with memory sticks, they did it with other stuff, and they're gonna do it with blue-ray. just wait and see. dumbasses...

the last think i'm going to ask tonight. "i have a beep". did you know people actually use this phrase. i was talking to ambler and she said, "i have a beep" and clicked over. i was confused and wondering, "what the hell?". but yea, people use that phrase. first time i've heard it.

alright, i'm off. hopefully, this was more entertaining than my previous blog. sorry about that.


- computer dating is fine . . . if you're a computer [234]


Anonymous said...

WHY are all my pictures up on your blog, you crazy crazy stalker!!!!?!?! Ok, actually I'm flattered...some did turn out pretty ok. But still, you creepy monkey!
And about your statement that most girls you know hated you at some point...i don't think that's true! You know waayyy too many girls for them ALL to hate you. Secondly, the ones that hate you do so only because you tend to be such a jackass! And as you pointed out - the personality trait that you mistook for charm was actually your teenage bigheadedness. But lucky you...ure no longer a teenager, and MUCH MUCH less of a jerk. Congratulations on passing the makes hanging out with you so much easier now.
Anyway, I'm just going on and on because I rather rant here than do my readings. DAMN IT!

PS: call me "jungle book" one more time, and I snap your neck like a twig!!


Anonymous said...

i feel left out :( what happened to all of those noir pix u took of me?!? vaseline on the lens and all!!! either share me with the world or die!!


Anonymous said...

Ya u definitely were a jerk when i met u. i dont just think people are jerks for no reason. and u were one! and then i got to know u...and realized u still are one. but its all good. by the way the not buying u gifts cuz ur too hard to shop for IS a valid reason! if i knew what to get u then why wouldnt i just buy it? u cant get mad at other ppl cuz YOU'RE difficult rite? rite. anyway im also procrastinating with the readings so im off..

Anonymous said...

Z, I only disliked you in grade 6 because you said I was a lesbian, and ugly. You honestly were a very mean child, but I think you're alright now.

I like your pictures, far more talented than I (but have you seen my models, it explains). Oh and I belive the impersonater on my journal is girl from highschool that I banned from the journal. Feel free to ridicule her to tears, it will make my day.

So don't fear, I like you enough, alright?

Anonymous said...

its because you're cheap...

Anonymous said...

ACTUALLY its not. i dont give a shit about spending money on my friends, just have a hard time finding ideas when they're hard to shop for, as im sure u know zaffar is. but thanks for u'r input turd.

Anonymous said...

oh, so you're not cheap... you just don't like putting thought into the gifts that you get your friends. i guess the whole 'thinking' bit is just way too strenuous for you...

Anonymous said...

OOooh look at you, aren't you just so intelligent. Judging my thinking abiltiies having never even met me. If you must know, it's not that i wont put in thought when buying gifts, its just sometimes u know u'r friends arent going to like anything u COULD get them becuz they're extremely picky. But once again, thanks for u'r pointless, irrelevant input TURD.

Anonymous said...

you're telling me that you're so far removed from your friends that you don't know their likes and dislikes, and just resort to getting them nothing? im gonna stick with the theory that ure cheap. and the incessant name-calling is unnecessary...unless that's you're only comeback...

Anonymous said...

Hey you know what else is unnecessary? YOUR OPINION. get a life, seriously.

Anonymous said...

...only to you, coz u just don't seem to get the idea of a flame war! you know what's tell me to get a life, and yet you come back everyday and leave an equally useless comment (at least mine are funny). it's all quite endearing...heh

Anonymous said...

You know whats funny? that you think you're funny. your comments are not amusing in the least. the only reason im even continuing this thing gayass flame war is cuz i have a thing about having the last say. u'r actually pretty dull.

Anonymous said...

of course you don't find it funny! i think we've already established the fact that you lack a sense of humour and you're extremely sensitive (grow up and stop being so snarky about everything I you said, you don't even know me, you shouldnt even care). but the last comment definitely set you up as the stubborn princess you are, eh? you want the last word,'re going to have to work for it. None of your "you're sooo LIKE not funny" comments. MAYBE (just MAYYYBE) you can say something clever or entertaining for a change...
[look at how worked up you're getting- that definitely proves that my comments are funny...]

Anonymous said...

Umm last time I checked, I wasnt getting worked up at all, just calmly stating that i want the last word and that you're dull. You appear to be the one getting worked up, calling me a 'stubborn princess' (ooh that one hurt by the way), calling me sensitive when i never once indicated that i was anything of the sort. by the way, when someone's comments are funny the general response is laughter, not annoyance.

Anonymous said...

okaie this comment is for the anonymous person that called the other anonymous person cheap. SUCK MY FLAMING OVARIES!

sixth lie said...

suck my flaming ovaries? that's disgusting! what kind of STD are you sporting? you missed the bit about "improving the conversation or not speaking at all" bit in charm school didn't you, princess?

Anonymous said...


sixth lie said...

oh, princess - i hope you realize what you're getting yourself into. we're not all nice people.