September 6, 2005

13th - tdot visits the ddot...

picture [right] - lets start off with some cuteness. no, not me, but thanks anyway. this is soniya. she tells very interesting stories, it's very cute. as an update, i'm still awkward with children, nothings changed.

alright, i know i'm late with this blog. i got emails about it. seriously, no patience. let me recover from my trip at least. ok - here is the copy and paste version of my blog.

"This will probably be my most picture filled blog ever, starting with this one. [you will forgive any random formatting errors. i will fix as many as i can, but i will get lazy eventually]

picture [left] - this was on the way there on friday evening. it's not a great picture but i like the way it looks. the black stuff is trees by the way.

This weekend, as I mentioned earlier was my visit to Detroit to see my sister and her in laws. It was fun. It’s amazing how comfortable we all are with each other. There is no sense of formality or need to stand on occasion. We’ve only technically known their family for a year and in that year, we’ve probably only seen each other maybe ten days or so.

We’re all already past the stage where we’re sleeping on each other, calling each other chubby, fatty, tubs, chubbles, etc (well, maybe that was just me), smelling each others arm pits (manny), tormenting one another. It’s great!

picture [left] - this is bilu's highschool picture. i know he'll murder me for this, but i couldn't help it. we love you bilu.

Mome & Bilu for along famously. They are eerily alike. To the point where they use the same deodorant (with the exception that one uses gel and other the stick) and their older sisters follow the similar patterns as well.

Anyway, the trip was amazing. Near the end of it, on the way home, I got a tad annoyed, but that’s not really anything significant that needs to be dwelled on.

This by the way, will be my third attempt at blogging this. My attempt to blog in Detroit was bankrupted by the mysterious crashing of the computer I was working on. That was annoying and I couldn’t be bothered to do it again.

So, here i am, yes again. I think this blogging thing might be a serious issue. I might need counciling.

picture [left] - strange picture of me holing a giant rubber ball and a pacifier. it's a ring pop, i'm not a raver. this was at the bbq. wicked tikas. asma had intented to use this candy to bribe soniya into liking her.

The plan was to leave Friday evening by six at the latest. So nobody was surprised when we left a wee after seven. About five minutes after that we had already established a theme for the trip, which started with, “who’s rolling the papers?” which went along with the listening to legalize it and ganga farmer and some other randomly related stuff. Sad part – there was no actual weed at any point. seriously, no weed. that's not to say that it matters or that any of us are potheads. if anyone is, i don't know about it.

picture [left] - smuffy posing for a picture, about to get nailed by a giant blue ball. ignore me and mome. this happened a lot by the way. when we were inside, i randomly told my sister to take off smuffy's glasses. she did, knowly what i was gonna do. smuffy inquired, had told her, she just wanted to see her glasses. even though i didn't want to, i felt obligated to take the shot. smuffy was pissed.

Other memorable quotes of the trip were.

“when I needed to sharmilifi, I sharmilafied”

picture [right] - this is ukh. the owner of that lovely quote you just read. yes, i know, there's a few in every family. thugs...

“they don’t have cars, but they’re great soccer players” - i have no idea what the hell this was about. maybe mexicans.

I’ll continue as I think of more – I’m half asleep.

Currently, we’re on the highway headed home. We’ve already crossed the border and should be home within the next 3 hours. Traffic looks good.

I hate malls. Seriously, I hate shopping and all things related and malls especially. Every time I walk into a mall, I somehow manage to drop a hundred bucks, at least on stuff I never even considered to get. What pissed me off was that the one thing I needed to get, I didn’t find.

pictures [right & below] - these are pictures i took out on the driveway. i thouht they turned out cool. you can make out actual constalations. how cool is that? i think i like the second one better though. click on them, or you won't see anything exciting.

picture [right] - this is manny playing poker. also, she stole the dealer chip. we may have a problem on our hands.

There was this store, I forget the name but everything in it was seven bucks. Clothing store that sold everything and I mean everything. Jeans, t-shits, golf shirts, jackets (yes, winter jackets were seven bucks). It’s kind of like one of those mixed blessing type places. Some was shit, but for the most part, it was pretty cool. I ended up buying a bunch of t-shirts.

I also bought a book. I know, I can’t help it, I’m addicted to bookstores. It’s on a book on bullshit. How appropriate is that since I’m full of so much of it.

Also, I’m addicted to shoes so naturally I bought shoes as well. There was some other stuff but I don’t remember. Before you say it, let me say it first, shut up.

Yesterday, we went to this place which’s name I forget. I’m bad with names if anyone hadn’t noticed. It was kinda like a miniature theme park. There was minigolf, rock climbing, go karting, you know that sorta thing. It was fun.

picture [left] - this is me and alima. someone explain what the hell that expression on my face is supposed to mean. also, someone could have told me my glasses were crooked. i would like to point out, these glasses are blue, not brown. i don't get it either.

I don’t get this. I know I’m my sister’s “baby” but it’s weird how fast that kind of information travels. Everyone knows that and some people actually call me that. that’s just a wee strange. Being called “baby” by someone other than a girlfriend or a very maternal sister can be very weird, for me anyway.

I should make a note to mention that since Friday, I have slept for maybe eight hours tops. Probably somewhere closer to six though. Right now there is so much weird caffeinated stuff sloshing around in my system. Things ranging from red bull, to toro, to stat bucks double shots (which is very good by the way) to some weird ass cactus flavored energy drink.

picture [left] - My brother is crazy! A bunch of us did the rock climbing thing. We all lasted between five and ten minutes except for him who kept his endeavors up for at least a good thirty minutes. He’s nuts.

Which brings me to this next point. A lot of you will be interested in this. Starting the moment I reach home, I WILL NOT DRINK ANOTHER ENERGY DRINK FOR A FULL MONTH. *brought to you by red bull. Creators or same named delicious energy drink I am to resign away from. Don’t roll your eyes at me! I know half of your just did! Screw you guys! I’ll be keeping you guys posted on my withdrawal as it progresses. To make it more fun, during the update my suffering, if someone leaves a message on my blog saying I can go ahead and drop it. The requirements of my oath are complete and I can resume destroying my body. It’s not like they’re going to another owner after me.

picture [right] - aparently, there is something entertaining about the way i sleep. i don't get it. i'm not actually asleep, i'm just lying down.

Also, I would like to thank Manny & Bilu for providing us with red bull, and slushi’s and cookie crisp. You guys are awesome.

Last night was weird. My sister who just got married and is expected, to a certain degree to be mature and proper (boring) had a pillow fight (three rounds) with ukh (pronounced ook) who got married 2 days after my sister and is also expected to display a certain level of maturity. It was funny. At this point, I would also like to note that ukh would make a bleeding fantastic horror movie chick. She’s got the hair and big eyes for it. I think it’s something she should really consider. Or at the very least, use her powers to torment and scare family members (mainly her husband).

picture - mome, had and bilu. what bilu is doing? i don't know, but it's funny.

Q News – We have invented a new game for our Q Olympics. It’s called swing ball. Details and rules are being worked out as we speak, but we’ll keep you guys posted. The updated list of available sports is: the shoe kick (running, standing and relay), monopedial sumo (winter only) – swing ball, sharades, and ultimate.

I do believe what I said about a previous blog has not been proven inaccurate. This is my longest blog ever. I better be seeing a whole bunch of comments at the end of this. Especially before I’m forgetting a lot shit. Also, youll notice, this is the only blog entry of mine using uppercase. That’s because Microsoft Word does this automatically and I’m not going to go thtough it and undo everything. That just reeks of effort and the only reason I don’t capitalize letters is because I’m lazy and can’t be bothered to do it. So me going back and undoing it would be purpose defeating.

pictures [left & below] - guess who's this is? i'll give you a hint. it's not her. ok, that was a lame escuse to throw that picture in there.

Asima needs to be mentioned because of her usage of the word, "jankie". Which as far as we can figure out, is the word Themla used in the Scooby Doo Aventures. Still have no idea what it means. If anyone knows, by all means, enlighten us.

Ok, it's 720pm. I'm taking a break from blogging. I need food"

ok, i had to mention this. i was walking to my friends house today and this chick in a BMW convertible was waiting at the traffic light. Then I noticed her rolling up her widow. I'm inclined to ask. What the hell did that accomplish? If you're worried about your you hair getting messed up, you bought the wrong car and rolling up your window won't do much.

ok, i'm tired. this took an hour to do [putting the pictures in and tryign to fix the retarded formating]. also, if anyone mentions i could have made the thumbnails smaller, shut up. Just shut up.

Wow, i sound way more angry than i am. Nonetheless, my trip was awesome. Now you guys have to visit.

Here is the last photo...

picture - in order - top row first - mome, me, manny, smuffy, had, nomes, bass, bilu, mina and tink. this was the first night. we really shouldhave taken a secong picture before we left, where we all looked dead. by the way, thanks had, for calling ahead to let mom and dad know not to let me out so i sleep. punk... missing - asima, alima, dori [ask him how he got his car], shakil, saba, soniya, ali and tons more. i'm really bad with names. i'm sorry.

I've probably missed a lot of stuff, so feel free to add in whatever I've missed in the comments section...


- distant relatives are the best kind and the further away the better...


Anonymous said...

i filing complaint about your blog-shog.

1. that high school picture of that now-dashingly handsome man... it needs to go.

2. i think his sister's name is halima.

3. im sure that guy enjoyed ur company as much as you did his... but u forgot to mention IHOP and the singing table cleaner.

im tired... and done writing. boobies!

Anonymous said...

really it was "if i had to be sharmili, i sharmilified"..and i believe sonia is spelt..well, sonia. and halima is with an h. and that noT dashingly handsome man looks exactly the same as the picture, so keep it there. i had a blast in the detroit, really helped that we were all high off of red bull. damn you zaffar got me addicted!!! oh and it wasn't was some amish type people. good random blog. nice.

sixth lie said...

i stand corrected about the quote and the spelling on halima's name. i never hear the "H". i'm sorry. halima. and about the spelling on sonia.

sixth lie said...

yes, i commented on my own blog. get over it...

Anonymous said...

Velma on Scooby-Doo use to say "Jinkies" not "Janke". Other observations about Scooby-Doo:

- Scooby and Shaggy are hooked on the ganga or as they call it "scooby snacks"...ever wonder why they get the "munchies" so often

- Velma is infact a lesbian, shes a bit of a butch and clearly has eyes for Daphne

- whenever the gang splits up theres a reasons Freddie and Dphne allways pair up to "look for clues"...if the mystery machine is a rockin' dont come a knockin'

- Scooby Doo is infact Pakistani, and in 1983 was awarded the "Order of Pakistan" for outstanding acheivement in television.