September 23, 2005

21st - this shirt is part of a balanced outfit...

its 7am. guess who's still awake. i've decided to go back to my grade 10 methods. i'm going to go on to a forty-eight hour clock. basically, i will sleep every other day. this means i get eight more hours than everyone else to be productive or vegetate or whatever i want. it worked pretty well in grade ten, i'm hoping it will now too. i believe it was mr. miliners idea.

picture [right] - this was the picture i took for the photo thingy, but now i'm deciding against it because they look like beavers, even though they're monkeys and beavers staring at a banana is strange. not to say a beaver can't enjoy a banana once in a while. just saying, he wont enjoy it at the same level as a monkey would.

today was, well, yesterday was a long day. we went to pick up my sister's wedding videos from the guy. lets just say, neither of us is very happy, but i don't give a shit about that the videographer's feelings. so, i'm not happy, he can eat shit, after he fixes my stuff.

there's a whole long list why i'm annoyed with him. lets not get into it. it's long. i'm right [as always. BRING UP THE CHAIR INCIDENT AND HEADS WILL ROLL or queen street!]

i'm currently wearing my "touch my monkey" shirt which i really like even though i know it's not the most appropriate shirt in the world. i like this shirt. i like monkeys. monkeys are neat.

wow - i suddenly got very nauseous.

picture [left] - this is sunita's picture. she emailed it to me. she was one of two people to do it. since we're gonna change the first assignment anyway (once we're set up and everything) i thought i should post this. here is her blurb about it.

"I know you said that it should be a household item with no function, but everything in the house seemed to have a function. I've chosen these windchimes because although they are supposed to have a function of chiming in the wind, it isn't used for that in this house. We keep these windchimes hanging in the kitchen where you will never find any wind to make them chime, so in essence this is a household knicknack NOT performing its intended function. I hope that satisfies your criteria." - sunita

the other one i got is animals too. i would post that, but i lost the email. it filtered out or something. i don't know.

anyway, have you guys seen the nintendo revolution's controllers. it's a one handed dealy. i'm not sure if this is gonna fly. BUT i have faith in nintendo, they know what they're doing. . . i hope.

ok - nausea not going away. i'm getting something to drink and having a lie down.

night folks.



Mr. Horse said...

Thanks for posting my pic and giving me an honourary mention. And you're right, your monkeys do look more like beavers in your picture.


Anonymous said...

went through the same insomniac spree!
don't know why, guess i'm stressed or something. plz dont go on the 48hr thing, it's not healthy and your brain will turn to mush


Anonymous said...

doooooooooo what makes u HAPPY!!!!!!!!!! :D

sixth lie said...

thank you. i will

Anonymous said...

i own those exact same monkeys. my mom bought them for me. but she didn't realize there was a fourth evil not to be done. which is why i like the "do no evil" monkey the best. i think he'd like a banana.

Anonymous said...

Yea, umm... you were WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh SO WRONG about the CHAIR THING!!!!!!!!!!! W-R-O-N-G!!!!!!!!
