September 28, 2005

24th - WTFWJD?

ok, so i haven't blogged in a few days [like one day]. eat me! seriously, only three people inquired about the lack of blog. which means, only three people realistically read my blog. my counter says otherwise, but it's possible these three people are just really enthusiastic and check my blog about thirty-five times a day, each.

i always knew this. but today brought it into start realization. my sister is seriously way too confrontational. some woman called for my brother today and my sister picked up the phone half a second before me so she took the call, before i hung up, i hear, "who are you and what do you want" in that tone she gets sometimes [those of you who know her know exactly what i'm talking about]. now, that would have been acceptable but this was maybe six seconds into the conversation. what the hell did you say lady?

i'm watching tv in the corner of my monitor and it's switched on much [sorry, i only get channel two to thirty down here]. the ciera video, goodies is on which was followed by a brief ciera interview in which she explained what "goodies" meant. i'll give you guys a minute to think about this. young girl, wearing a top that doesn't even go down past her bra, low rise jeans, first driving around with her friends inviting guys to follow them, to later on some sort of club scenes. ok, decide what "goodies" means. goodies means, according to ciera, personal values and morals. raise of hands, who didn't see that one coming?

i've told a bunch of folk that i want the ipod nano. i change my mind, for now. DON'T BUY THE IPOD NANO! apparently, apple doesn't make enough money that when developing the ipod nano, they decided to go with cheap, shitty materials to save cost. basically, they scratch way to easily, even if you take very good, anal-retentive care of it. also, the screen cracks very easily. so anyone who was considering buying me the ipod nano [here's a HUGE F*CKING hint for those of you who can't figure out what i want!] wait two to three months before buying me one.

what the hell is a stole? for the answer, check this out. i have an email buddy. weird huh? tobey sells cookies and other random stuff. i don't think there's really a category for it. if there is, i don't know the name of it. she has a site called taddingtons. according to her site, the category is home and fashion accessories. there is cool stuff in there. contest - first one to find a teacup and saucer in her site and to post in the comments section of this blog gets a prize. tobey and all affiliated people are not eligible for thsi contest. also, anyone outside of a fifteen minute driving range is not eligible. ok, so the answer is, go to her site and check out what a stole is.

"i have never seen someone this handsome go so low brow" john steward on viggo mortensen. viggo did an interview and in the first minute or so of the interview, he started pulling rubber frogs, lizards and snakes out of his coffee cup and pockets and stuff. it's funny because viggo doesn't seem the type to pull this kind of thing. sorry to ruin the fantasy ladies.

ok, i'm about done. the nausea is back. here's what sucks about being sick. i can't read for more than fifteen minutes or sit on the computer for more than fifteen minutes without getting naeseous.

i'm off.

be good.


p.s. here's a question of morality or whatever. from a girl's perspective, would you date a guy with bigger boobs that you? we're talking about man-boobs here. i expect comments and flaming.

p.s. for people wondering about the photosite. i'm working on it. that's all you need to know.

p.s. ok, my title really had nothing to do with anything. whatever.

p.s. you're all jerks. i was sick and blogged and i got one comment. jerk-asses. [i don't care if this p.s. was longer than the blog]


Anonymous said...

Ya about that would i date a guy if he had bigger boobs than me...definitely not. maybe if he was my soulmate...maybe. but seriously think about it, do u know how BIG those guys boobs would hafta be? and how awkward would sex be? ew. k im done here

Anonymous said...

It depends who's boobs we're talking about here, I'm certainly no Pam Anderson... No, seriously, what does it matter?

Besides, would you date a girl who's alternate personalities could kick the ass of your personalities?

I got a job, I'm too lazy to post it in my own journal, so I'll post it in yours. The bank won. Chapters STILL hasn't called.

sixth lie said...

it's just a question of aesthetics. some people won't think twice and for some people, it would be the deciding factor. "he's perfect for me, but his boobs are bigger than mine."

i would definitely date someone more screwed up than me. otherwise, i would feel responsible for screwing up less screwed up person.

YAY! Bank. Congrats.

Anonymous said...

Please! Guys are ALL abt aesthetics! They look at everything... her body has to be perfect, her face, her hair, she has to dress well, she shouldn't have an opinion (coz in the case of most men, that's "threatening"...only because they're too stupid!)...and all tht. So if guys can be shallow can I! So yeah...abt a man with bigger boobs than me....EW NO (that's right...i'm being shallow too!)
Plus...a guy with bigger boobs than me would most probably invoke envy in me, and I'd go on a "god-hates-me-because-he-gives-guys-bigger-boobs-than-me" rant! LOL!

That's all for now. I shall rant some more later!


PS: ur taddingtons site doesnt work! JACKASS! I actually tried too =(

Anonymous said...

okay, i would have to say NEVER. First of all, cause, although this may seem shallow, attraction is a factor in who you like. It's definitely not all of it by any means, but it does play a role. And ew, that'd just be weird.

sixth lie said...

caboose, did you just plug your own boobs? wow, someone's full of themselves.

Anonymous said...'s "full of THEMSELF" zaffar! Pssshh... and u were the editor of the Knight wonder the paper sucked! LOL!


(Oh's on!! bwahaha.. )

Anonymous said...

Ok zaffar that was NOT me plugging my boobs. the boobs dont need to be plugged, they speak for themselves. ahaha im just kidding of course. i have normal size boobs for a GIRL. but bigger than me on a guy would be highly abnormal and freakish.

Anonymous said... about the boobs. if you really think about it, there are many factors. 1) big man boobs means they are a big guy. if they aren't, then...ew. 2) big guys give me this mental image of hairy guyz. 3) put those two together and you get a very big guy with very hairy man boobs. now that's just gross. now with that image, i don't think many of you would go for a guy with bigger boobs then you, now would you? didn't think so.

sixth lie said...

SHIV: that paper sucked long before i took charge! oh, it is on! by the way, the taddingtons link works. your computer is little special-ed to follow basic instructions. that's not my problem. punk! WHAT!

CABOOSE: you're such a snot. i can't believe you plugged your own boobs. don't you have friends to compliment you? you're just a manboob hater. manboobs are beautiful too.

side note - i think someone is gonna get offended soon. YEA BOI!!

Anonymous said...

Upon reading the multitude of comments left by various readers of this blog I have come to many conclusions, but the #1 conclusion is you guys are a bunch of shallow asthectic bastards.

Good lord, what does it matter if the guy has man boobs honestly? I would be with a girl who doesnt have gigantic breats. I would be with a girl who doesnt even have any semblance of breasts, so why would'nt you be with a guy who has bigger boobs than you? honestly?

and Shiv "Please! Guys are ALL abt aesthetics!" No we ALL are not, and you know that about me for a fact, jack.

You all make me sick.........Now if you'll excuse me I have to go set my vcr. Jessica Alba is on Conan tommorow and I dont want to miss seeing her hot self on tv.

Anonymous said...

nah i'm into athletic guys who keep fit soooooo a guy with larger boobs than me would mean he doesn't fit my criteria anyways.
For all the girls who would, its all good! Question to Zaffar...would you date a girl with smaller boobs than you? ;)

Sarah Q. said...

Alright ... I read all these comments from all you guys ... and im sorry. I don't care what kind of man it is. Boobs on a man are not acceptable. Women have boobs. men have a chest. Which means. If a man has a flat stomach ... which all men should (yeesh lol) then his chest honestly should not be going beyond it. You guys are disgusting even talking about it!!! GEEZ! Thanks for making me think about it! People!!! Gross!!

Mr. Horse said...

Well, I have to say that there are many factors that must be taken into consideration here before a proper answer can be give.

What kind of a person is he? Is he a great guy with an awesome personality? Is he rich? Can he afford to have breast reduction surgery? Do I care what he looks like if he's rich? But most of all What are his proportions and measurements?

If his man boobs just happen to be proprtionate to the rest of him, then it's okay. If he's a big man, (weight, height and heart) then the man boobs would matter very little.

NOW the question was would you ever DATE a man with boobs bigger than yours. My simple answer is NO. Not only is this because I don't date at all, but also because physical chemistry and connections are a large part of the initial relationship process. I'll admit to being somewhat of a shallow person and as such I know that I would not find a man with breasts bigger than mine appealing.

HOWEVER, I would consider dating said large person if I were to have gotten to know them and their big heart before any romantic considerations came into play.

So there is my response.


ps. I dunno why, but when I initially read this post I had envisioned a thin man with large breasts. *shudder*

Anonymous said...

1. No. I have boobs, I'm happy I have them. And a guy with bigger boobs than me would be terribly disturbing...

2. The teacup and saucer is here: in the "Elle" picture. And a stole is also known as a "shrug".
Pay up.


Anonymous said...

okaie NO i would never EVER date a guy with bigger boobs than me. i dont care if this guy was the nicest bestest guy on earth... who the hell cares. if ur male and sporting anything over an A cup, thats just gross.(unless of course u have some sort of boob growth condition which is out of your control).

Anonymous said...

and caboose, u kinda did plug ur boobs :p

sixth lie said...

so, what you're saying is that you're cool with diseased manboobs, but not with natural manboobs? ew. whatever floats your boat.

Anonymous said...

ok this is a little off topic... but say a guy has patchy growth of hair. say his cheeks dont always fill in with hair... say his chest even has patchy spots... would that make him any less of a man??? men can have boobs if they want... im sure they provide an excellent cushion for nap time.. and if the woman is lagging behind, then i know an excellent surgeon they can visit to handle that matter.

im tired and i gotta pee...

Harry N

Anonymous said...

If you want cushion while you're napping...get a couple of pillows! But growing female body parts is not an excuse to be able to have a good nap. Besides, like a lot of people have already's not about whether he's the nicest guy or not... you need sexual attraction to date someone. It's hard for MOST women to be attracted to men with boobs (if we were looking for boobs in our significant others...we'd just stick to dating girls and not go through the hassle of dealing with the Y chromosome). So what it comes down to is, that no matter how nice this guy's usually pretty hard to be attracted to a man with boobs.
And it's not about "women lagging behind"'s about men who are slowly evolving into women and growing breasts (Ew gross!)...i think they're the ones who need the surgeon!

Ok, im done with this stupid topic...Zekkie u're an ass for starting shit on man-boobs!


Anonymous said...

And zekk...dont egg me on to flame people...ure an ass! AGAIN!

ANd my computer is not special-ed. Ur face is! OHHH ... (i know..tht was lame...but if it's good enough for's good enough for me!)


Anonymous said...

hey hey... why do women have BOOBS?

so ya got somethin to look at, when ur talkin to em.

eh? eh?


peter griffin

Anonymous said...

i agree with shiv. if the sexual attraction isn't there, then really, it ain't gonna happen. and SERIOUSLY could you be attracted to a guy with big boobs? i think Harry N and Peter Pan are defensive because they may have a bit of boobies themselves. No offence guys, but i think u just have to try and find someone with bigger boobs then you, that's your only hope really. and what about zaf? are u asking us this question because you secretly have your own insecurities? hmm.

besides that i stick to my previous answer, i still get the visual of a very big guy with very big hairy boobs. firstly, hairy chests make me sick. however, no hair on a man with big boobs is just nasty and too feminine. and patchy chest hair on a big guy with big boobs....*shudder*.

and you know, we may have boobs because it's something to look at...but believe me, it's not something girls want to see on boys. so your comment just doesn't work with this blog. u'r proving the point that boobs should be left for women, even after you tried defending men. nice.

Anonymous said...

ATTENTION: CHICKS DO NOT DIG, MEN WITH BOOBS. Solution, cut them off or join Fight Club.

Thats my two cents on this issue. Happy Zaffar!!


sixth lie said...


Anonymous said...


sixth lie said...

this argument is childish. coming from me that's bad smuffers. really bad. think about that.

Anonymous said...

Bah, you're all shallow people... am I the only person who would be ok with boobs if the guy was nice?

*Sigh* but don't even start with the hair... that's a different battle of mine.

Anonymous said...

AHAHAHA zaffar has man boobs!! i think smuf is rite...and look how defensive zaffar got when accused of having the man boobies! very interesting...and once again, ZAFFAR AND PRINCESS, i was NOT plugging my boobs!! all im saying is if i was like flat as a board, the chances of a guy having bigger boobs than me are pretty good. but since im NOT, the image of a guy with bigger boobs than me is KINDA repulsive. sheesh.

Anonymous said...

man boobs are just YUCKY!!!! they should then have it to themselves even if they have them... WHY WEAR tight shirts on top.... and sorry if a guy has boobs people shouldn't date him since he got what the girls got... so i guess that's my 2 cents even though it might not make senseeeeee

and i agree join a gym or something!!!!! work on that Z

Anonymous said...

any lactating manboobs? if so, what are they lactating?


p.s. ladies, think of the benifit to you?

Anonymous said...

adnan do u have them? and if yes are u trying to promote them? hahahaha... itz ok u will find someone who likes them :P

- guess who

sixth lie said...

are you anna?

Anonymous said...

nopez.. whose anna?.. nah i got a better name than that!

u knw me ;) rmr?

Anonymous said...

oh dear god... i can't believe a discussion on breasts trailed on for this long. lol my favourite zing "shiv your computer is special-ed" lmao... ohh dear.