September 1, 2005

12th - you raped my childhood!

you know when you wanna hit someone for stealing your childhood but you're just not sure who to blame? tonight was one of those moments. my siblings and i decided for some strange reason to watch cat in the hat, starring mike myers. the experience was unpleasant to say the least. never in my life have i cared less for a movie than this. well, that's not entirely true. here is a list of other movies i would have been happy without:

the notebook - honestly, who cared about this?
titanic - same comment as above. it was long, drawn out and seriously, nobody really cared about this. the only people who enjoyed this movie were teenage girls who saw it literally dozens of times.
van helsing - the creators knew they didn't have a chance in hell to get a sequel so they tried to get him to kill every monster in one movie (the frankenstein monster, dr. jekyll and hyde and dracula in ONE MOVIE!). also, why does he use the one-thousand-arrow-shooter against three vampires, but uses a normal shotgun, when there are thousands of booger babies flying around the sky?
fire down below - i barely remember this movie and it still haunts me to this day. thanks for this one, mansoor.
batman & robin - george clooney is a bastard for ever accepting this role. also, bat nipples. nothing further need be said.
exorscist the beginning - the hyena came out of the well! that makes no bloody sense.
spice world - how big was that bloody bus. plus, "if you wanna be my love, you gotta get with my friends" *or something like that* is exactly why the spice girls should remain single forever and die as lonely cat ladies. nailing a spice girl isn't worth putting up with the other four.
catwoman - there is nothing to really say about the movie. they cast howdie berry. we all know she can't act. if you're going to bring this up, she only got the oscar because they gave it denzel washington and she happened to be another black nominee and it would make for cute magazine covers the next week. just goes to show that the oscars are stupid.
alien vs. predator - the predator accepts this woman into his "clan" thingy by burning her face with acid (alien blood). why?
solaris - should be up here because i fell asleep within the first 10 minutes of the movie and i recall being very hyper before i sat down to watch this.
daredevil - they fought in a children's playground because he asked her for her name! too many stupid fights.
i'm done - that's not a movie. i know i bolded it. i'm just letting you know i'm done my list, for now.

someone explain this. braveheart came out the same year as seven. braveheart was okay. the fight scenes were terrible but on the whole it was okay and had the mel gibson factor going for the chicks. seven was perfect. i was
beautifully done. explain. more proof, oscars are crap.

i should mention that tonight is adidi's birthday. adidi is shivs little cousin. she's now 16, i believe. here's a picture of her from grade eight. just to annoy her. i've got more embarrassing photos but since she's going to get upset and throw a hissy, we'll stick to this though.

picture - this is adidi in grade eight getting a rolled piece of parchment.

adidi is your average betty-high-school, nerd of all nerds type. after speaking to her for a few minutes, you get the impression that she wasn't born naturally but put together in a lab with parts from lesser nerds.

also, i should note, its 315am and as soon as i'm done posting this blog, i'm calling her to annoy her. i'm good like that.

anyway, happy birthday adidi. i hope you get something nice from your bovine-fecal friend or the other one, the one i approve of, and of course, your family. brat

screw it - calling her now - wow, she sounds pissed. she sounds like a drooler. ok, i'm off the phone now.

tonight, i had dinner with some people at kilin, the sushi resturaunt i frequent far too often. it was fun. sushi was good. i want sushi now. damnit. but yea, nothing really interesting there, just an entertaining night. just thought i would mention it. look, i don't come back with stories every time i go out. just deal with it.

i'm going to detroit this weekend. yay! so this may be my last blog til next week. well, no. i'm going to the store with me dad in the morning. that's 8 hours of excitement. i'll definitely get out at least one more blog.

last but not least, i would like to thank shiv for finally flaming someone in the comments. you're a good friend. also, red is an excellent colour, freak. nonetheless, FLAME ON!

picture - and to be nice, here's adidi lokoing all cute.

great- now i have empty space to fill up. what the hell am i going to write in this much space. the trouble i go through to keep things proper.

ah, i know. flaming of my own.

damn, i've got nothing. it's past 330. i'm tired and wanna be watching tv or something.

ummm, i want the x-box 360 for my birthday. that's in march, that's plenty of time to work out the details. the high end version, not the core system.

i'm out of ideas of what else to write. as luck would have it, i'm near the end of my space. just a line or two more will do it. that wasn't hard. i filled up emplty space by complaining about empty space and the need to fill it. be good.


- awards are like
haemorrhoids; sooner or later every asshole gets some.

p.s. holy crap, this blog was long.


Anonymous said...

Although i appreciate you mentioning me in your oh so important blog (HA) i did not appreciate the phone call at 3:30 am. And no im not a drooler!! Nonetheless, thanks for the birthday wish. =) totally getting you back for that phone call..and those pictures. jeez.


Anonymous said...

Funny hearing you calling someone else a nerd of all nerds. You..who wears clothing with binary code on them. You know what, u say all those movies were bad but u just dont LISTEN when ppl tell u not to watch a movie which is obviously gonna suck. Like catwoman! I told u that would be crap. That is all. ooh and excellent quote.

Anonymous said...

but aditi IS a nerd of alll nerds! I'm telling u...she studies ALL the time. Stupid nerd! Anyway...ZAFF!!! WTF? U DONT HAVE TO BITCH ABT THE NOTEBOOK ON UR BLOODY BLOG, U STUPID CLOWN!!! If you really didnt wanna watch it, then you shouldnt...i really wasnt forcing u! But next time u want me to watch some crap (AKA Red vs. Blue)...then i suggest you eat urself! IDIOT!