January 28, 2009

145th - Stop watching me sleep.

Seriously, knock that shit off. I have a hard enough time sleeping as it is and I do appreciate that you don't speak to each other or glow or make a lot of movement but honestly, I prefer the random light flashes to you guys.

This is ruining pain killers for me.

So, my back and shoulders and neck hurt. Sleeping on the floor helps a little. I hate insurance companies. Yesterday, they finally confirmed that my medical stuff is being covered, even though they are still looking into *cough*stalling-like-douche-bags*cough* about the car. So I can start Physiotherapy. What fun!?!

Until this whole insurance thing is settled, I can't drive my car. I have to drive my parents. I hate driving their car. It's like a really slow boat. Not to worry though, because I'm generally not allowed to drive anywhere anyway. Just to work and back. Works out, I don't actually have many places to be.

This brings me to my next point. My friends suck. This provides the perfect segue for this: I've been kinda bummy the past few weeks and am fairly close to the decision that splurging on a new camera, even though there are better things I could be spending that money on is a good idea. I'm hoping this idea goes away. It is a lot of money. Either the Nikon D90 or the Leica D-Lux 4. Both are damned expensive. As much as I would love a M8, that's a little out of the question. I'd have to buy a car first.

Word of caution. It's winter in Canada. Drive accordingly. Driving 20 in a 60 in the left lane during mild snow fall is unsafe and stupid and when I am forced to maneuver around you, I'm secretly hoping the car behind me hits you.

Going to leave you a quote from an online comic, CAD. There's a link to it on the sidebar.

"Lasers improve everything. Well, except Alderaan."


January 27, 2009

144th - Overshare

I woke up this morning to discover this little gem. have a pimple behind my left ear lobe. It hurts and I can't help myself from jabbing at the other side of my ear lobe every couple of minutes. So now, I have a pimple on the back of my ear lobe and a red ear lobe.

Also, my back hurts.


January 26, 2009

143rd - Caboose is a FATASS!

Guacamole with Pita Bread
Roasted Parsnips, Carrots & Mushrooms
Thing of rice and cauliflower. She claims it was good.
Whole bunch of chunks of seasoned pork.
And to top it all off, some pizza.

If you keep telling me what you eat, I'm going to start posting it here. Do other people, besides the Armenians, do this? Apparently this is a very common Armenian discussion topic. Like Hobbits and pipe weed.

Also, she's still hungry. She just mentioned it this very moment.

Furthermore, Caboose got a job. Congratulations.


p.s. Yes, I'm well aware I'm a jerk. We love you just the same.

January 21, 2009

142nd - Is it supposed to Burn?

So, recent events have taught us that thirty-three hundred fifty-four pounds of metal and plastic, along side with a hundred and forty pounds of flesh and bone are no match for a thousand pound concrete highway barrier. Even when traveling at a velocity of a hundred kilometers per hour. It hurt. I decided not to post any photos of this.

Three weeks into the new year and I'm already grumbling and muttering under my breath about shit that's gone wrong. I'm not enjoying 2009 much. I have a few months of physiotherapy coming up. Can't wait to be paddle shocked by a seventeen year old Asian chick again. Looking forward to that.

I got a new hair trimmer yesterday. Boredom + Hair Trimmer + Me = Bad Idea. Turns out that area of my body has very sensitive skin.

Obama's thing was yesterday. Bush got boo-ed a whole bunch. Caboose is starting to feel bad for the guy. My sympathies are still somewhat reserved. It's not that I don't think it's mean and childish. It's just that I don't care. Plus, we get to do it all over again in four years when Jeb Bush becomes president.

Special note to all of you who said, "Are you watching it for the tight uniforms?" when I mentioned that I was watching the football game on Sunday: Fu*k you all.

I miss Biggs. He's gone back to the Pennsylvania.


p.s. Applying deodorant burns like Hell now.

p.p.s. Seriously, could you people whose blogs I read please blog? Only Striaght from the Horse's Mouth gets any props.

January 15, 2009

141st - Shutout

My shutout attempt was thwarted by a couple of dudes who watch American Idol and a girl who thought Jesus was a Christian up until an embarrassing age.



January 12, 2009

140th - I nothing you.

Old song, but a good one. Dell Amitri's Be my Downfall

be my downfall, be my great regret, be the one girl
that I'll never forget
be my undoing, be my slow road to ruin

I have no idea how this song exists on my iPood, but it does and I like it. I was listening to it on my way to work this morning. I have his other stuff and its all lovely and good but I don't remember ever downloading this song.

My blog today is about "tolerance"

Lately you may have noticed that a lot of people, whether religious, ideological, hobbyist, or whatever have all started spouting this new bullshit about tolerating of those outside their group. Really? Tolerate?

Tolerate - tol-er-ate [tol-uh-reyt] –verb (used with object), -at⋅ed, -at⋅ing.
1. to allow the existence, presence, practice, or act of without prohibition or hindrance; permit.
2. to endure without repugnance; put up with: I can tolerate laziness, but not incompetence.
3. Medicine/Medical. to endure or resist the action of (a drug, poison, etc.).
4. Obsolete. to experience, undergo, or sustain, as pain or hardship.

The above is just copied and pasted from Dictionary.com. Right off the bat, I'm going to assume that number four doesn't apply here. If you're suffering that much because of other groups existing, suicide is the path for you. Number three can also be safely removed. Which leaves definitions one and two. We'll focus on those.

2. Essentially saying, "It's there. We don't like it. But it's there. Lets pretend it's not." Which is a great way of looking at things.

1. To allow or permit. I really don't feel I need to explain this but I'm going to have to say something about it. This is more the everyday person's "enlightened" response to things they don't agree with or like. Thank you so much for being gracious enough to allow me and others to carry on in our un-you, wrong way of life. You are most magnanimous. I can only hope to one day be like you.

I'm going to stop there and make this statement. From the bottom of my heart, I very sincerely nothing you. You get no blessing, support, acknowledgment, respect or permission from me to do whatever the hell it is you do. If you want to believe in and worship belly button lint or God or Jesus or the Keebler Elves or Fire or Steve Jobs or graphite pencil shavings or Earth or Shigeru Miyamoto or nothing or everything or anything in between, it's your business; none of mine. As long as your business doesn't harm or interfere mine and others', I still nothing you. We're not cool. I don't respect your choice to believe or not believe in whatever. Fu*k off and die or eat bat-shit or have week long orgasms. Hurray for you.

Peace out.


p.s. it turns out, one additional things needs to be said to clear up some confusion. this does not apply to my people. it just applies to people in general. friends, family, clones, slaves, etc: y'all don't count, you still matter.

January 8, 2009

139th - Toast

I have David Guetta's, Love, don't let me go stuck in my head. It goes like this:

you've got me dancin' and cryin'
rollin' and flying
love, don't let me go
drowning in a river
cold and in fever
love, don't let me goooo...

That mixed with heavy dance music. It's a good song. Give it a listen.

This blog is actually about toast. More specifically the types of people who eat toast. You're all disgusting but before we get to that, I have a query about toasters.

Why do all toasters have this setting that will burn perfect good bread to a inedible solid state that's only application can be brake discs or ninja stars?

Now, what kind of decent human being wants perfectly good bread burnt all around the surface area before eating it? Why is just regular bread good enough? What's the appeal about crumbs everywhere and hard, crunch bread with unpalatable crusts? You're horrible and disgusting people. You're the same type of who like eating baby seals.


January 6, 2009

138th - Week in Review.

So, my blog about belly button lint got more responses than a bunch of my previous blogs. When I expressed my concerns [griped, pissed and moaned, whatever. Yes, I'm a self-indulgent narcissist. Deal with it.], the response I got was, "your blog has become too weird." I'm going to tone it down a little. I'm going to rip off Horse's blog and make a questionnaire thing. I will try to keep it interesting though. Feel free to copy and paste your answers into the comments section.

One week in...

01. New Year's Resolutions. any of you may have already broken or kept.
I made none because any time in the past I have made any, they've undone themselves within a few days. Or last year, they conflicted with each other. My attempts to not be so mean were thwarted by my attempts to not lie so much and tell people exactly what I'm thinking/feeling.

02. Time wasted. seven days. how much time have you already wasted.
I win this one hands down. I spent the six to eight hours after midnight hanging out in the hospital with my brother who was sleeping serenely while I tried to read on an uncomfortable chair. I spent a good chunk of one day curled up on what seems to be my new favorite spot in the basement.

03. New People. births, new friends, homeless dude who mugged you.
I made one new friend. She's Lebanese. Has a strange thing about Snow White. Led me to think about why girls develop a personal connection with one Disney princess and why it's never Kida from Atalantis. Except Shiv. Shiv is all about the Kida. I guess Rosie is into short guys with beards. Yes, Rosie, we make fun of people on this blog.

04. Revelations. "use your other HAND!!" not that kind. seriously. what the hell? also, props to whomever understood that.
I have made fairly bad decisions for myself. Like driving away four seconds too early or that bit with the licorice. Yes, that was in the previous year but whatever.

05. Goals. not resolutions. things you actually plan on achieving. landing a job, sugar daddy, plane, etc.
My goal is school. Or at least the damn applications. It's starting to bum me out. Also, i just realized, I bummed out my blog. The next one should fix that right up.

06. New Year Booty. take a moment, think back.
There really is no reason for this to be here but everyone can take a moment to reflect on the booty they've received in the past week and smile to themselves for a minute. If none, fear not. There's a whole year ahead of you. Also, I am not endorsing anyone getting freaky with anyone else. be chaste!!

07. Blond Moments. dumb shit you've already done and wish you could take back even though nobody may have seen it.
So far this year I've been pretty good regarding the blond stuff. Not to worry, there are still fifty-one weeks to go, I won't disappoint. I think I've already had one but I don't remember it. Good old goldfish memory.

08. Purchases. this doesn't need explanation.
Shocking news. I have bought nothing. I bought some groceries, gas, Red Bull, candy and DVDs for Biggs. The DVDs were for Biggs, not the other stuff. None of which really count. Is Momin breathing?

09. Awkward Moments. stuff you've done in public or walked in on something you wish you hadn't. That burning sensation in your face, everyone saw it.
Oh dear God, yes. I've had one of those already. I'm just going to sit here and smile about it and try to look a little sorry.

There you have it. What have you done so far? Feel free to throw in whatever else you like.


p.s. Happy New Year.

January 5, 2009

137th - What the Hell? WHY?

Maybe I just never noticed it before or this is a new development.


What the Hell? Why is this happening to me?

Am I getting old?


p.s. go to bed, Shiv