January 12, 2009

140th - I nothing you.

Old song, but a good one. Dell Amitri's Be my Downfall

be my downfall, be my great regret, be the one girl
that I'll never forget
be my undoing, be my slow road to ruin

I have no idea how this song exists on my iPood, but it does and I like it. I was listening to it on my way to work this morning. I have his other stuff and its all lovely and good but I don't remember ever downloading this song.

My blog today is about "tolerance"

Lately you may have noticed that a lot of people, whether religious, ideological, hobbyist, or whatever have all started spouting this new bullshit about tolerating of those outside their group. Really? Tolerate?

Tolerate - tol-er-ate [tol-uh-reyt] –verb (used with object), -at⋅ed, -at⋅ing.
1. to allow the existence, presence, practice, or act of without prohibition or hindrance; permit.
2. to endure without repugnance; put up with: I can tolerate laziness, but not incompetence.
3. Medicine/Medical. to endure or resist the action of (a drug, poison, etc.).
4. Obsolete. to experience, undergo, or sustain, as pain or hardship.

The above is just copied and pasted from Dictionary.com. Right off the bat, I'm going to assume that number four doesn't apply here. If you're suffering that much because of other groups existing, suicide is the path for you. Number three can also be safely removed. Which leaves definitions one and two. We'll focus on those.

2. Essentially saying, "It's there. We don't like it. But it's there. Lets pretend it's not." Which is a great way of looking at things.

1. To allow or permit. I really don't feel I need to explain this but I'm going to have to say something about it. This is more the everyday person's "enlightened" response to things they don't agree with or like. Thank you so much for being gracious enough to allow me and others to carry on in our un-you, wrong way of life. You are most magnanimous. I can only hope to one day be like you.

I'm going to stop there and make this statement. From the bottom of my heart, I very sincerely nothing you. You get no blessing, support, acknowledgment, respect or permission from me to do whatever the hell it is you do. If you want to believe in and worship belly button lint or God or Jesus or the Keebler Elves or Fire or Steve Jobs or graphite pencil shavings or Earth or Shigeru Miyamoto or nothing or everything or anything in between, it's your business; none of mine. As long as your business doesn't harm or interfere mine and others', I still nothing you. We're not cool. I don't respect your choice to believe or not believe in whatever. Fu*k off and die or eat bat-shit or have week long orgasms. Hurray for you.

Peace out.


p.s. it turns out, one additional things needs to be said to clear up some confusion. this does not apply to my people. it just applies to people in general. friends, family, clones, slaves, etc: y'all don't count, you still matter.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha, Shigeru Miyamoto. But in all seriousness... my comments about this one have already been sent to you.

Anonymous said...

I sent u that song, u turd!

I love that song!

Also, it's Del Amitri (one L)

Unknown said...

havent heard the song... pls send it over here. i realise i could download it myself but wheres the fun in that?