January 6, 2009

138th - Week in Review.

So, my blog about belly button lint got more responses than a bunch of my previous blogs. When I expressed my concerns [griped, pissed and moaned, whatever. Yes, I'm a self-indulgent narcissist. Deal with it.], the response I got was, "your blog has become too weird." I'm going to tone it down a little. I'm going to rip off Horse's blog and make a questionnaire thing. I will try to keep it interesting though. Feel free to copy and paste your answers into the comments section.

One week in...

01. New Year's Resolutions. any of you may have already broken or kept.
I made none because any time in the past I have made any, they've undone themselves within a few days. Or last year, they conflicted with each other. My attempts to not be so mean were thwarted by my attempts to not lie so much and tell people exactly what I'm thinking/feeling.

02. Time wasted. seven days. how much time have you already wasted.
I win this one hands down. I spent the six to eight hours after midnight hanging out in the hospital with my brother who was sleeping serenely while I tried to read on an uncomfortable chair. I spent a good chunk of one day curled up on what seems to be my new favorite spot in the basement.

03. New People. births, new friends, homeless dude who mugged you.
I made one new friend. She's Lebanese. Has a strange thing about Snow White. Led me to think about why girls develop a personal connection with one Disney princess and why it's never Kida from Atalantis. Except Shiv. Shiv is all about the Kida. I guess Rosie is into short guys with beards. Yes, Rosie, we make fun of people on this blog.

04. Revelations. "use your other HAND!!" not that kind. seriously. what the hell? also, props to whomever understood that.
I have made fairly bad decisions for myself. Like driving away four seconds too early or that bit with the licorice. Yes, that was in the previous year but whatever.

05. Goals. not resolutions. things you actually plan on achieving. landing a job, sugar daddy, plane, etc.
My goal is school. Or at least the damn applications. It's starting to bum me out. Also, i just realized, I bummed out my blog. The next one should fix that right up.

06. New Year Booty. take a moment, think back.
There really is no reason for this to be here but everyone can take a moment to reflect on the booty they've received in the past week and smile to themselves for a minute. If none, fear not. There's a whole year ahead of you. Also, I am not endorsing anyone getting freaky with anyone else. be chaste!!

07. Blond Moments. dumb shit you've already done and wish you could take back even though nobody may have seen it.
So far this year I've been pretty good regarding the blond stuff. Not to worry, there are still fifty-one weeks to go, I won't disappoint. I think I've already had one but I don't remember it. Good old goldfish memory.

08. Purchases. this doesn't need explanation.
Shocking news. I have bought nothing. I bought some groceries, gas, Red Bull, candy and DVDs for Biggs. The DVDs were for Biggs, not the other stuff. None of which really count. Is Momin breathing?

09. Awkward Moments. stuff you've done in public or walked in on something you wish you hadn't. That burning sensation in your face, everyone saw it.
Oh dear God, yes. I've had one of those already. I'm just going to sit here and smile about it and try to look a little sorry.

There you have it. What have you done so far? Feel free to throw in whatever else you like.


p.s. Happy New Year.


Anonymous said...


FIrst off... thanks a WHOLE bunch for forgetting that KIDA is MY favourite disney Princess!!! BUT OF COURSE... why should it matter that ur BEST FRIEND's favourite Disney Princess is Kida. Just remember the favourite ones of the others!!!

Also... regarding ur blond moments, i have a need to mention this...
(the day i was leaving) ... you get stuck on my driveway for over an hour, and my uncle spent a good 20 minutes trying to help u somehow get out... only to realise an hour later, that you being SUCH a smart pants had pulled ur hand brake up!!

THERE is a classic Z Blond Moment! (much like the mango licorice one!)

That is all.

PS: you're not allowed to mention Kida ever again. U stick to all ur stupid jasmines, belles, snow whites and cinderella... u BASTARD!

Anonymous said...

Oh...and nice job on fixing the blog AFTER i leave my comment on u forgetting MY favourite princess!


sixth lie said...

I said this YEAR. BLOND MOMENTS THIS YEAR!! Lets not bring up shit from the past!

Anonymous said...

welll...it's just a matter of time before u do something reallly dumb by the end of the week.

Also u make me so cranky...i dont know why!
here's something new that may happen this week... IM NOT TALKING TO U!!!

PS: get me my dress, cow! :-P

Also... remember what we spoke abt yesterday? Ur issue with people... actually we're both prone to it, but ure worse... YEAH --> You're DOING IT AGAIN!!!!

Unknown said...

hahaha... sadly, reading the comments of your blog ended up trumping the actual contents of the blog. you shoulda added pics... i like the "Sixth With Pics" blogs. i just made that up. copyrighted. you can use it if you want though.

Anonymous said...

I have a few things to say about this blog entry. 1 of which is I don't like it, or the new turn you intend to take with your blog. But most important is my comment re: 06 (which is also related to another point, you figure out which one). But DUDE!!! EW!!! Why are you trying to make me cry and traumatize me again!??! >< WHY!! You're a terrible terrible person!!!

P.S. I for one, have no favourite Disney princess so there.