January 28, 2009

145th - Stop watching me sleep.

Seriously, knock that shit off. I have a hard enough time sleeping as it is and I do appreciate that you don't speak to each other or glow or make a lot of movement but honestly, I prefer the random light flashes to you guys.

This is ruining pain killers for me.

So, my back and shoulders and neck hurt. Sleeping on the floor helps a little. I hate insurance companies. Yesterday, they finally confirmed that my medical stuff is being covered, even though they are still looking into *cough*stalling-like-douche-bags*cough* about the car. So I can start Physiotherapy. What fun!?!

Until this whole insurance thing is settled, I can't drive my car. I have to drive my parents. I hate driving their car. It's like a really slow boat. Not to worry though, because I'm generally not allowed to drive anywhere anyway. Just to work and back. Works out, I don't actually have many places to be.

This brings me to my next point. My friends suck. This provides the perfect segue for this: I've been kinda bummy the past few weeks and am fairly close to the decision that splurging on a new camera, even though there are better things I could be spending that money on is a good idea. I'm hoping this idea goes away. It is a lot of money. Either the Nikon D90 or the Leica D-Lux 4. Both are damned expensive. As much as I would love a M8, that's a little out of the question. I'd have to buy a car first.

Word of caution. It's winter in Canada. Drive accordingly. Driving 20 in a 60 in the left lane during mild snow fall is unsafe and stupid and when I am forced to maneuver around you, I'm secretly hoping the car behind me hits you.

Going to leave you a quote from an online comic, CAD. There's a link to it on the sidebar.

"Lasers improve everything. Well, except Alderaan."



Mr. Horse said...

Ahahahahah! Nice quote!

sixth lie said...

Thanks. I figured, at least you would appreciate that.

Anonymous said...

Lol. Poor Alderan. CtrlAltDel totally rocks.

Anonymous said...

your friends... DO NOT SUCK! Well...at least i don't!
Zaffar... about your dad's car. I think it IS better that u drive a "slow boat" over the next few weeks, seeing as I'm really afraid for u and the amount of random accidents u get into. I know the last one wasnt ur fault at all... and apart from all the other garbage, i'm so so soo glad that you're okay. Can u buy urself a polar bear instead and ride that to work (reference to the Jadis). I think it would be safer (and cheaper, mind you!)

About the camera...DUDE... i hate being the one that pops ur pretentious bubble... but... YOU BARELY KNOW HOW TO USE THE SONY CAMERA YOU BOUGHT FIVE YEARS AGO!!! I mean... i've seen the pictures u've taken... they are GENERIC pics taken in the auto setting. How much photography have you done in that camera where you feel that getting yourself a Nikon D90 or a Leica will actually add to the quality of your hobby! Where do u have the time to do serious photography?! And apart from taking pictures of family events, have you spent any time exploring the awesome options on the sony u have (That I also have)?!

Come on... be sensible!!! Splurge on something completely useless and frivolous if u want to buy something just to make urself feel better. But a new and high end camera... where are you going to use it? U barely know the full potential of the one you have right now!

Wow..can u believe that u just got daanted on ur blog?

sixth lie said...

first off, shiv. that's the exact reasoning i have for not wanting to buy it. i get awesome shots with my V1 and I love my V1. It still very much kicks ass.

however, I feel like buying me some random useless thing and I was thinking new camera because I don't really care to spend it on a big screen TV or something. Maybe a new dress watch.

Anyway, we can discuss this some other time.

Anonymous said...

Camera is a NO-GO! Don't do it!!!
And by "discuss this some other time", u mean "leave me alone".
